miranov25 / RootInteractive

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Domain secific language using RDataFrame - documentation #335 & #297 #341

Open miranov25 opened 8 months ago

miranov25 commented 8 months ago

Motivation (source)

miranov25 commented 8 months ago

Short summary:

A Domain-Specific Language (DSL) for physics is a specialized programming language tailored to address the specific needs and challenges of physicists in their computational work. It is designed to express concepts and operations relevant to the domain of physics in a concise and natural manner.

DSLs in physics aim to enhance productivity and accuracy by providing:


Abstracting complex physical concepts into a syntax that mirrors the language of physicists, making code more intuitive and closer to the problem domain.


Allowing physicists to articulate computations and simulations using notation and terms familiar to their field, reducing the cognitive gap between problem formulation and code.


Optimizing for the specific computational patterns and algorithms commonly used in physics, ensuring efficient execution of simulations and data analysis.


Seamless integration with existing physics libraries, tools, and workflows, facilitating collaboration and leveraging the wealth of existing resources in the physics community.

Error Prevention:

Incorporating domain-specific checks and constraints to catch potential errors early in the development process, reducing the likelihood of inaccuracies in scientific computations.