miranov25 / RootInteractive

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Add template for multiple weights with diff between histogram with di… #354

Closed pl0xz0rz closed 1 month ago

pl0xz0rz commented 3 months ago

This PR: -Fixes a major bug with generated javascript for using columns from different histograms/dataframes in one expression -Fixes a bug with counting the length in joins on the client -Adds a prototype implementation of #352

miranov25 commented 3 months ago

Thanks. One test failed:

============================= FAILED test_ClientSideJoin.py::test_join - TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for +: 'NoneType' and 'str' ========================================================================================================== 1 failed, 43 passed, 283 warnings in 86.91s (0:01:26)

miranov25 commented 3 months ago

Template layout for tabs

We can make diff in respect to the varNorm - this is done per variable and we can compare different statistics with different weights


Old templated had only normVar - [Yes, No]

Test layout tabs

miranov25 commented 3 months ago

Layout to test histoXYZWeight

similar as above but with colorZ histXYWeight 0,0 - mean weight 0,1 - rms for weght 0,2 -entries for wight 1,0 - mean, median for reference wight 1,1. - -entries for reference wight 1,2 - -entries for reference wight 2,0 - diff mean, median weight. (diff - minus or ratio) 2,1 - diff rms for weight (diff - minus or ratio) 2,2 -diff entries for wight (diff - minus or ratio)

miranov25 commented 3 months ago

Thanks for the commit! The unit tests passed successfully.

Here are some comments on the implementation based on the screenshot:

miranov25 commented 1 month ago

All tests are OK

There are many warnings - related to the unit test

After adding pytest.ini with unit test the amount was reduced to the 53

I will commit the pytest.ini after merging

(venv7) Singularity> cat $RootInteractive/pytest.ini
markers =
  unittest: description for the unittest marker
miranov25 commented 1 month ago

I briefly reviewed the code and did not identify any obvious issues.

We will need to develop a new unit test in which we prepare specialized data and define invariants to facilitate easier testing of self-consistency.

I am merging the pull request, but the issue remains open for now.