mirasoldavila13 / NeighborhoodAid

NeighborhoodAid is an interactive platform designed to empower communities by enabling users to report local issues like potholes, vandalism, and streetlight outages.
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Integrate OpenWeather API for Issue Reporting #13

Closed mirasoldavila13 closed 1 month ago

mirasoldavila13 commented 1 month ago

User Story:

AS A user, I WANT TO see the current weather when I report an issue, SO THAT I can provide context for weather-related problems.

Acceptance Criteria:

  1. Fetch weather data from OpenWeather API based on the issue location.
  2. Store weather details (temperature, conditions) with the issue.
  3. Display weather data when viewing the issue.


mirasoldavila13 commented 1 month ago


Weather Data Fetching: Successfully integrated the OpenWeather API to fetch weather data (temperature, conditions, wind speed, and humidity) based on the user's selected location (latitude/longitude).
Real-Time Weather Display: Weather information is now displayed on the Dashboard and Report Page for the user's current location and the selected issue location.


Storing Weather Data: The next step is to store the weather data in the database along with the issue report when it’s submitted. This will ensure that weather details are saved with each report for future viewing.

I'll be working on updating the backend API to include weather data storage with the issue submission. Once that's done, the issue will be complete.