CSS output is doubled on desktop because you have not added M2 breakpoints in the less partials. This means that M2 will add the same style declaration to the mobile styles-m and desktop styles-l.css
See screenprint
Tthe following files are missing breakpoints:
Breakpoints where used in "module/_topmenu.less";
Each LESS file should at least include the following responsive breakpoints
Applying to both mobile and desktop:
& when (@media-common = true)
or for mobile / desktop specific styles
.media-width(@extremum, @break) when (@extremum = etc....
re: version Mirasvit_Blog 1.0.5
CSS output is doubled on desktop because you have not added M2 breakpoints in the less partials. This means that M2 will add the same style declaration to the mobile styles-m and desktop styles-l.css See screenprint
Tthe following files are missing breakpoints:
Breakpoints where used in "module/_topmenu.less";
Each LESS file should at least include the following responsive breakpoints
Applying to both mobile and desktop:
& when (@media-common = true)
or for mobile / desktop specific styles
.media-width(@extremum, @break) when (@extremum = etc....