Клиент решил проблему: To get 'Title' and 'State' columns on Blogs list properly I edited some files in Mirasvit_Blog module. In attachments I'm sending screenshots before and after my modifications and zip with modified files Model\Post.php and Ui\Component\DataProvider.php . Now, the module reads title and state from first attached to post storeId.
[ ] I needed to add one workround to my fix in mirasvit-blog code to title and state columns get work properly. I dont know how mirasvits module work but in database I saw that in database in table mst_blog_post_entity_varchar storeId always is equal to 0 event if Post->getStoreIds() method returns e.g. 3.
Don't know if my workaround works in any case but for now it's works for me.
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Клиент решил проблему: To get 'Title' and 'State' columns on Blogs list properly I edited some files in Mirasvit_Blog module. In attachments I'm sending screenshots before and after my modifications and zip with modified files Model\Post.php and Ui\Component\DataProvider.php . Now, the module reads title and state from first attached to post storeId. vitcas-blog-fix.zip