mirceapiturca / Sections

Shopify sections for everyone. Tooltips, FAQ, Quiz, and App Performance
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Support for language subdirectories #15

Open andreasgloss opened 1 year ago

andreasgloss commented 1 year ago


Firstly I would like to say that your app is working great and the JS load on our site has decreased a lot thanks to you!

So for the problem. We have a multilingual site, where a subdirectory url style is used, so like domain.com/fr/. The scripts blocked unfortunaly show up on those sites while being successfully blocked on the regular non-language subdirectory version (except for the search app which is successfully blocked on both versions). I don't know how complex this would be to implement but it surely would help us :)

Thanks again for your great work!

mirceapiturca commented 1 year ago

Hi @andreasgloss Thank you for the suggestion. I see the use case here.

Technically this should be doable as the multilingual route can be detected. Please let me see if this is something that can go live in the next verson