I can't get ITHVNR to work with お嬢様催眠 ~高貴な少女たちを好きなだけ調教しよう~. It seems multiple hook threads reveal the text. Some one said something about merging all the threads but there is no option to merge the threads. Linking threads together to make a new thread so you don't have to switch back and forth between threads to view all the dialgoue would be very helpful. Plus it doesn't hook all the dialogue. Anyone have a h-code for this? or can add this game's engine to another update? The version I'm using is 3.5640.Pre8r. Also what's the difference between 3.5640.Pre8r and 3.5640.1?
from this comment.
(포크 버전에 등록하려던걸 잘못 달았지만 이왕 이슈 등록한거 그대로 두기로...)
I can't get ITHVNR to work with お嬢様催眠 ~高貴な少女たちを好きなだけ調教しよう~. It seems multiple hook threads reveal the text. Some one said something about merging all the threads but there is no option to merge the threads. Linking threads together to make a new thread so you don't have to switch back and forth between threads to view all the dialgoue would be very helpful. Plus it doesn't hook all the dialogue. Anyone have a h-code for this? or can add this game's engine to another update? The version I'm using is 3.5640.Pre8r. Also what's the difference between 3.5640.Pre8r and 3.5640.1?