mireo / async-mqtt5

A C++17 MQTT client based on Boost.Asio.
Boost Software License 1.0
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Is async_mqtt5::async_publish thread-safe ? #10

Open amarmemic opened 3 weeks ago

amarmemic commented 3 weeks ago

Hi !

When I call async_publish, the method below is invoked. Is this correct? Is it thread-safe to use more than one thread for the I/O context?


Pozdrav :) ,


ksimicevic commented 3 weeks ago


Asio-compliant objects (like our mqtt_client) and their member functions (like async_publish) are not thread-safe. This is intentional to avoid the overhead associated with mutexes and other synchronisation mechanisms in single-threaded applications.

Regardless, you can use more than one thread to run io_context. In that case, you should make sure that the mqtt_client's functions are executed within the strand (an executor that guarantees that tasks assigned to it are executed in a serialised manner, preventing concurrent execution).

You can achieve that by:

  1. constructing the mqtt_client with a strand object as its executor
  2. dispatching all mqtt_client's function calls to that strand using post or dispatch
  3. ensuring that the async_xxx's completion handler's associated executor is that same strand

This is how you would call async_publish in a multi-threaded environment:

  boost::asio::strand strand = boost::asio::make_strand(ioc.get_executor());
  async_mqtt5::mqtt_client<boost::asio::ip::tcp::socket> client(strand);
  client.brokers("<your-mqtt-broker>", 1883);
      [&client, &strand] {
        // Considering that the default associated executor of all completion handlers is the strand,
        // it is not necessary to explicitly bind it to async_run or other async_xxx's handlers.
      [&client, &strand] {
              "<your-mqtt-topic>", "Hello world!", async_mqtt5::retain_e::no,
              async_mqtt5::publish_props {},
              [&client, &strand](
                  async_mqtt5::error_code ec, async_mqtt5::reason_code rc,
                  async_mqtt5::puback_props props
              ) {

Now, you can freely use as many threads as you'd like for your io_context and not worry about any concurrency issues.

Additionally, we have thoroughly covered this topic in our documentation. I'd recommend giving it a glance.

Hope this helps!