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考虑可以开关光学过程 #102

Open mirguest opened 11 years ago

mirguest commented 11 years ago


没错,测试的时候可以先关掉光学模拟。 我建议在软件中加一个选项,可以让用户自由选择分别打开或关闭闪烁光、切伦科夫光。 因为将来有很多模拟是不需要光学过程的。

mirguest commented 11 years ago


mirguest commented 11 years ago


mirguest commented 11 years ago
Idle> help
Command directory path : /
 Sub-directories : 
 1) /control/   UI control commands.
 2) /units/   Available units.
 3) /persistency/   Control commands for Persistency package
 4) /histo/   histograms control
 5) /geometry/   Geometry control commands.
 6) /tracking/   TrackingManager and SteppingManager control commands.
 7) /event/   EventManager control commands.
 8) /cuts/   Commands for G4VUserPhysicsList.
 9) /run/   Run control commands.
 10) /random/   Random number status control commands.
 11) /particle/   Particle control commands.
 12) /process/   Process Table control commands.
 13) /material/   Commands for materials
 14) /hits/   Sensitive detectors and Hits
 15) /param/   Fast Simulation print/control commands.
 16) /PMTOpticalModel/   PMT optical model control.
 17) /heptst/   Controls for the hadronic energy/momentum test
 18) /grdm/   Controls for the Radioactive Decay Module.
 19) /dyb2/   Dyb2 Test.
 20) /vis/   Visualization commands.
mirguest commented 11 years ago
Type the number ( 0:end, -n:n level back ) : 
Command directory path : /process/

Guidance :
Process Table control commands.

 Sub-directories : 
 1) /process/eLoss/   Commands for EM processes.
 2) /process/msc/   Commands for EM scattering processes.
 3) /process/em/   General commands for EM processes.
 Commands : 
 4) list * List up process names
 5) verbose * Set Verbose Level for Process Table
 6) setVerbose * Set verbose level for processes
 7) dump * Dump process information
 8) activate * Activate processes  
 9) inactivate * Inactivate process  
mirguest commented 11 years ago


mirguest commented 11 years ago
Type the number ( 0:end, -n:n level back ) : 

Command /process/inactivate
Guidance :
Inactivate process  
Inactivate processes  
 Inactivate  name [particle]
   name:     process name or type name
   particle: particle name [all: for all particles]

Parameter : procName
 Parameter type  : s
 Omittable       : False

Parameter : particle
 Parameter type  : s
 Omittable       : True
 Default value   : all
mirguest commented 11 years ago
Type the number ( 0:end, -n:n level back ) : 
Command directory path : /grdm/

Guidance :
Controls for the Radioactive Decay Module.

 Sub-directories : 
 Commands : 
 1) nucleusLimits * Set the amotic weight and number limits for the RDM.
 2) analogueMC * false: variance reduction method; true: analogue method
 3) fBeta * false: use 3-body decay, true: use histogram method
 4) selectVolume * Suppply a logical volumes name to add it to the RDM apply list
 5) deselectVolume * Suppply a logical volumes name to remove it from the RDM apply list
 6) allVolumes *  apply RDM to all logical volumes. No parameter required.
 7) noVolumes *  RDM is not applied to any logical volumes
 8) BRbias * false: no biasing; true: all branches are treated as equal
 9) sourceTimeProfile * Supply the name of the ascii file containing the source particle time profile
 10) decayBiasProfile * Supply the name of the ascii file containing the decay bias time profile
 11) splitNuclei * Set number of spliting for the isotopes.
 12) verbose * Set verbose level: 0, 1, 2 or 3
mirguest commented 11 years ago


mirguest commented 11 years ago

看看issue #100 的代码是否有问题。