mirguest / MirguestIssueReport

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Check issue 151 #152

Open chenqy opened 11 years ago

chenqy commented 11 years ago


mirguest commented 11 years ago


chenqy commented 11 years ago

@mirguest 哈哈,太好了,正想着要看这个文件呢~~

chenqy commented 11 years ago

“在交互模式,一句一句把run.mac里的输入那个命令行,为什么一个事例就可以显示” 稍微改变一点点,内存情况就不一样了的

chenqy commented 11 years ago


chenqy commented 11 years ago

Checking overlaps for volume PMTTube ... WARNING - G4PVPlacement::CheckOverlaps() Overlap is detected for volume PMTTube with its mother volume lTarget at mother local point (18446.5,60.9065,-3.55194), overlapping by at least: 2.37213 cm

* G4Exception : InvalidSetup issued by : G4PVPlacement::CheckOverlaps() Overlap with mother volume ! * This is just a warning message. Total: 1 为什么1个PMT还提示overlap呢?我几百个都不提示overlap。。。

chenqy commented 11 years ago

Checking overlaps for volume PMTTube ... WARNING - G4PVPlacement::CheckOverlaps() Overlap is detected for volume PMTTube with PMTTube volume's (PMT与PMToverlap。。。) local point (-143.662,257.738,283.532), overlapping by at least: 6.26242 mm

* G4Exception : InvalidSetup issued by : G4PVPlacement::CheckOverlaps() Overlap with volume already placed ! * This is just a warning message. Checking overlaps for volume PMTTube ... WARNING - G4PVPlacement::CheckOverlaps() Overlap is detected for volume PMTTube with PMTTube volume's local point (-227.158,132.568,213.62), overlapping by at least: 991.182 um

* G4Exception : InvalidSetup issued by : G4PVPlacement::CheckOverlaps() Overlap with volume already placed ! * This is just a warning message. Checking overlaps for volume PMTTube ... WARNING - G4PVPlacement::CheckOverlaps() Overlap is detected for volume PMTTube with PMTTube volume's local point (233.348,122.217,453.246), overlapping by at least: 753.902 um

* G4Exception : InvalidSetup issued by : G4PVPlacement::CheckOverlaps() Overlap with volume already placed ! * This is just a warning message. Checking overlaps for volume PMTTube ... OK! (这里有不overlap的。。。) Checking overlaps for volume PMTTube ... OK!

chenqy commented 11 years ago

任意找5个做测试,设置: m_radLS = 50.0 * m;

Checking overlaps for volume PMTTube ... OK! Checking overlaps for volume PMTTube ... OK! Checking overlaps for volume PMTTube ... OK! Checking overlaps for volume PMTTube ... OK! Checking overlaps for volume PMTTube ... OK! Total: 5

chenqy commented 11 years ago


chenqy commented 11 years ago

674 //chenqy// m_radLS = sqrt( pow( (m_pmtPlaceRad + pmttubecover_h), 2) 675 //chenqy// +pow( pmttubecover_r, 2) ) + 2_gap; 676 //chenqy// m_radLS = 50.0 * m; 677 m_radLS = sqrt( pow( (m_pmtPlaceRad + (pmttubecover_h+pmttube_h)), 2) 678 +pow( pmttubecover_r, 2) ) + 2_gap;

@mirguest @dengzy 请@housj

液闪半径需要检查。 top的7124,7127需要检查。 其他部分一步一步来。

chenqy commented 11 years ago

pmt_47_49 本身ok,与其他的部分未检查。 pmt_44_46 本身ok,与其他的部分未检查。

mirguest commented 11 years ago


chenqy commented 11 years ago

overlap与下面设置的距离有关: /dyb2/det/filemode/distance 18 m

chenqy commented 11 years ago

Index : 6 used in the geometry : Yes recalculation needed : No Material : Vacuum Range cuts : gamma 1 mm e- 1 mm e+ 1 mm proton 1 mm Energy thresholds : gamma 990 eV e- 990 eV e+ 990 eV proton 100 keV Region(s) which use this couple : PMT_20inch_water_body_region

Start closing geometry. G4GeometryManager::ReportVoxelStats -- Voxel Statistics

Total memory consumed for geometry optimisation:   24073 kByte
Total CPU time elapsed for geometry optimisation: 30 seconds

Voxelisation: top CPU users:
Percent   Total CPU    System CPU       Memory  Volume
-------   ----------   ----------     --------  ----------
  99.90        29.95         0.04        24073k lTarget
   0.00         0.00         0.00            0k PMT_20inch_water_body_log
   0.00         0.00         0.00            0k PMT_20inch_waterCover_Whole

Voxelisation: top memory users:
Percent     Memory      Heads    Nodes   Pointers    Total CPU    Volume
-------   --------     ------   ------   --------   ----------    ----------
 100.00      24073k     38370   296855     954897        29.95    lTarget
   0.00          0k         2        4          8         0.00    PMT_20inch_waterCover_Whole
   0.00          0k         1        2          4         0.00    PMT_20inch_water_body_log

LSExpAnalysisManager: Histograms are booked and the run has been started

Run : 0

Start Run processing. Begin of Event --> 0 ========>chenqy: time diff of BeginOfEvent and EndOfEvent is 1 ========>chenqy: clock time diff of BeginOfEvent and EndOfEvent is1360000 Begin of Event --> 1 ========>chenqy: time diff of BeginOfEvent and EndOfEvent is 1 ========>chenqy: clock time diff of BeginOfEvent and EndOfEvent is1350000 Run terminated. Run Summary Number of events processed : 2 User=2.69s Real=2.73s Sys=0.02s UserDetectorConstruction deleted. UserPhysicsList deleted. UserRunAction deleted. UserPrimaryGenerator deleted. G4 kernel has come to Quit state. G4SDManager deleted. EventManager deleted. UImanager deleted. Units table cleared. StateManager deleted. RunManagerKernel is deleted. RunManager is deleting.

chenqy commented 11 years ago

Index : 6 used in the geometry : Yes recalculation needed : No Material : Vacuum Range cuts : gamma 1 mm e- 1 mm e+ 1 mm proton 1 mm Energy thresholds : gamma 990 eV e- 990 eV e+ 990 eV proton 100 keV Region(s) which use this couple : PMT_20inch_water_body_region

Start closing geometry. G4GeometryManager::ReportVoxelStats -- Voxel Statistics

Total memory consumed for geometry optimisation:   29993 kByte
Total CPU time elapsed for geometry optimisation: 13 seconds

Voxelisation: top CPU users:
Percent   Total CPU    System CPU       Memory  Volume
-------   ----------   ----------     --------  ----------
  99.77        13.12         0.04        29994k lTarget
   0.00         0.00         0.00            0k PMT_20inch_water
   0.00         0.00         0.00            0k PMT_20inch_water_body_log

Voxelisation: top memory users:
Percent     Memory      Heads    Nodes   Pointers    Total CPU    Volume
-------   --------     ------   ------   --------   ----------    ----------
 100.00      29993k     49902   353427    1269499        13.12    lTarget
   0.00          0k         1        2          4         0.00    PMT_20inch_water
   0.00          0k         1        2          4         0.00    PMT_20inch_water_body_log

LSExpAnalysisManager: Histograms are booked and the run has been started

Run : 0

Start Run processing. Begin of Event --> 0 ========>chenqy: time diff of BeginOfEvent and EndOfEvent is 1 ========>chenqy: clock time diff of BeginOfEvent and EndOfEvent is1240000 Begin of Event --> 1 ========>chenqy: time diff of BeginOfEvent and EndOfEvent is 1 ========>chenqy: clock time diff of BeginOfEvent and EndOfEvent is1250000 Run terminated. Run Summary Number of events processed : 2 User=2.46s Real=2.5s Sys=0.03s UserDetectorConstruction deleted. UserPhysicsList deleted. UserRunAction deleted. UserPrimaryGenerator deleted. G4 kernel has come to Quit state. G4SDManager deleted. EventManager deleted. UImanager deleted. Units table cleared. StateManager deleted. RunManagerKernel is deleted. RunManager is deleting.

chenqy commented 11 years ago

event0 start: 151U: 151u0 mU: oldu0

151gamma: 151g0 mgamma: oldg0

chenqy commented 11 years ago

each event start:

151U: 151ueach mU: oldueach222

151gamma: 151gammaeach mgamma: oldgammaeach

chenqy commented 11 years ago

对于gamma,似乎两个event之间差别不大,但是每个event好像更耗时了。 对于本底事例,每个event耗时看起来差别不大,那么两个event之间程序究竟在做什么?


chenqy commented 11 years ago

哦,差点忘记了,上面是已经把产生子手动改为从圆柱抽样的,看来的确不是产生子抽样位置导致程序变慢的。 那么接下来怎么做,尝试把不必要的操作都注释掉,找到Geant4在两个event之间都在做些什么?


chenqy commented 11 years ago

@mirguest 看到你qq了,不过我还不确定这样做对不对。

在LSExpAnalysisManager中声明了time_t startEvent; time_t endEvent; clock_t cstartEvent; clock_t cendEvent;和相应的几个函数

void Set_startEvent(time_t startevent) {startEvent = startevent;} void Set_endEvent(time_t endevent) {endEvent = endevent;} void Set_cstartEvent(clock_t cstartevent) {cstartEvent = cstartevent;} void Set_cendEvent(clock_t cendevent) {cendEvent = cendevent;} void Get_difftime(); 里面输出(cendEvent-cstartEvent);

在EventAction里: void LSExpEventAction::BeginOfEventAction(const G4Event* evt) 72 { 73 74 //chenqy 75 start = time(NULL); 76 cstart = clock(); 77 if( evt->GetEventID() == 0 ) 78 { 79 LSExpAnalysisManager::getInstance()->Set_startEvent(start); 80 LSExpAnalysisManager::getInstance()->Set_cstartEvent(cstart); 81 } …… 在EndOfEventAction里 214 ends = time(NULL); 215 cends = clock(); 216 LSExpAnalysisManager::getInstance()->Set_endEvent(ends); 217 LSExpAnalysisManager::getInstance()->Set_cendEvent(cends); 218 LSExpAnalysisManager::getInstance()->Get_difftime();


mirguest commented 11 years ago


对于gamma,似乎两个event之间差别不大,但是每个event好像更耗时了。 对于本底事例,每个event耗时看起来差别不大,那么两个event之间程序究竟在做什么?

chenqy commented 11 years ago

@mirguest 我不确定对不对,如果正确的话:


当注释掉if( evt->GetEventID() == 0 )这个条件,就是每个event开始时设置起始时间,结束时设置结束时间,输出的时间是每个event的耗时。下面的四个图,横坐标就是每个事例耗时的直方图,理想状态为一个高斯分布,平均值为处理一个事例耗时的平均值。 对每个事例的处理时间,直接影响事例结束时间与事件0起始时间差,所以应该像下面那样,按照事例顺序来画,我用excel画的。

得到上面的结论了,我也不知道该怎么找这个问题,就想这么试试。 (这个结论有误,见下)

chenqy commented 11 years ago

把GenSim和PrimaryGenerator替换为旧的版本,几乎没有变化: relace

把asc文件先给split,没用的文字都被删除: 151U_split: 151_u_split_evt0start old U_split: old_u_split_evt0start

chenqy commented 11 years ago


151ueach 151u0 151u0_oldgen

oldueach oldu0

chenqy commented 11 years ago


chenqy commented 11 years ago



692 Begin of Event --> 7 693 /tracking/verbose 4 694 695 ***** 696 * G4Track Information: Particle = alpha, Track ID = 7, Parent ID = 0 697 ***** 698 699 Step# X(mm) Y(mm) Z(mm) KinE(MeV) dE(MeV) StepLeng TrackLeng NextVolume ProcName 700 0 4.87e+03 -1.01e+04 -1.45e+04 7.84 0 0 0 PMT_20inch_water_body_phys initStep 701 702 >>AlongStepDoIt (process by process): Process Name = Transportation 703 704 ++G4Step Information 705 Address of G4Track : 0x27b4a458 706 Step Length (mm) : 0.0002146901906063213 707 Energy Deposit (MeV) : 0 708 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 709 StepPoint Information PreStep PostStep 710 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 711 Position - x (mm) : 4874.775664989639 4874.775674977165 712 Position - y (mm) : -10090.43467487786 -10090.43466985392 713 Position - z (mm) : -14535.93223491119 -14535.93244931009 714 Global Time (ns) : 4248410044989 4248410044989 715 Local Time (ns) : 0 0 716 Proper Time (ns) : 01.103830608385569e-05 717 Momentum Direct - x : 0.04652064562770131 0.04652064562770131 718 Momentum Direct - y : 0.02340091854285882 0.02340091854285882 719 Momentum Direct - z : -0.9986431928079881 -0.9986431928079881 720 Momentum - x (MeV/c): 11.2499999999999 11.2499999999999 721 Momentum - y (MeV/c): 5.658999999999952 5.658999999999952 722 Momentum - z (MeV/c): -241.499999999998 -241.499999999998 723 Total Energy (MeV) : 3735.21552877769 3735.21552877769 724 Kinetic Energy (MeV): 7.836528777690091 7.836528777690091 725 Velocity (mm/ns) : 19.40875404981058 19.40875404981058 726 Volume Name : PMT_20inch_water_body_physPMT_20inch_water_body_phys 727 Safety (mm) : 0 0 728 Polarization - x : 0 0 729 Polarization - y : 0 0 730 Polarization - Z : 0 0 731 Weight : 1 1 732 Step Status : Undefined AlongStep Proc. 733 Process defined Step: Undefined hLowEIoni 734 -----------------------------------------------------------------------

old U: 672 Begin of Event --> 7 673 /tracking/verbose 4 674 675 ***** 676 * G4Track Information: Particle = alpha, Track ID = 7, Parent ID = 0 677 ***** 678 679 Step# X(mm) Y(mm) Z(mm) KinE(MeV) dE(MeV) StepLeng TrackLeng NextVolume ProcName 680 0 -8.92e+03 -9.38e+03 -1.23e+04 7.84 0 0 0 PMT_20inch_water_body_phys initStep 681 682 >>AlongStepDoIt (process by process): Process Name = Transportation 683 684 ++G4Step Information 685 Address of G4Track : 0x166c01f0 686 Step Length (mm) : 0.0002146901906063213 687 Energy Deposit (MeV) : 0 688 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 689 StepPoint Information PreStep PostStep 690 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 691 Position - x (mm) : -8919.726071291645 -8919.726061304118 692 Position - y (mm) : -9376.747222185935 -9376.747217161988 693 Position - z (mm) : -12253.52818396172 -12253.52839836062 694 Global Time (ns) : 4248410044989 4248410044989 695 Local Time (ns) : 0 0 696 Proper Time (ns) : 01.103830608385569e-05 697 Momentum Direct - x : 0.04652064562770131 0.04652064562770131 698 Momentum Direct - y : 0.02340091854285882 0.02340091854285882 699 Momentum Direct - z : -0.9986431928079881 -0.9986431928079881 700 Momentum - x (MeV/c): 11.2499999999999 11.2499999999999 701 Momentum - y (MeV/c): 5.658999999999952 5.658999999999952 702 Momentum - z (MeV/c): -241.499999999998 -241.499999999998 703 Total Energy (MeV) : 3735.21552877769 3735.21552877769 704 Kinetic Energy (MeV): 7.836528777690091 7.836528777690091 705 Velocity (mm/ns) : 19.40875404981058 19.40875404981058 706 Volume Name : PMT_20inch_water_body_physPMT_20inch_water_body_phys 707 Safety (mm) : 0 0 708 Polarization - x : 0 0 709 Polarization - y : 0 0 710 Polarization - Z : 0 0 711 Weight : 1 1 712 Step Status : Undefined AlongStep Proc. 713 Process defined Step: Undefined hLowEIoni 714 -----------------------------------------------------------------------

chenqy commented 11 years ago

track数相差好多。。。 somany_tracks

chenqy commented 11 years ago

dynode @mirguest 加上打拿级效果如何?

chenqy commented 11 years ago


下图为verbose设为1时找到的该初级粒子的信息: why2

下面为verbose设为4时找到的那个对应的e-信息 ++List of secondaries generated (x,y,z,kE,t,PID): No. of secodaries = 2314 [Note]Secondaries from AlongStepDoIt included.

@mirguest 所以必须加上打拿级。

mirguest commented 11 years ago


mirguest commented 11 years ago


chenqy commented 11 years ago

@mirguest 去掉那段代码,有明显的改善么?

chenqy commented 11 years ago

@mirguest 下面是周末与邓老师发的几封邮件内容,我贴到这里,希望能帮你理解我的想法。(从下往上看哈~)








---原始邮件--- 在 2013年05月19日 09:46:47 "dengzy"dengzy@ihep.ac.cn 写道:

关键问题是现在PMT上产生本底的模拟速度是原来的n多倍,你说的这些可能只是对模拟速度稍微有点影响的, 哪个才是影响速度的最关键因素呢? 由于以后的MCP-PMT没有打拿极,玻璃里面的物质材料比传统打拿极PMT要少很多,因此不能象以前那样添加一个大的实心的打拿极。

2013-05-19 dengzy 发件人: 泉 发送时间: 2013-05-1900:01:31 收件人: dengzy 抄送: 主题: 回复: 可能是打拿级的问题








---原始邮件--- 在 2013年05月18日 19:12:47 "dengzy"dengzy@ihep.ac.cn 写道:


chenqy commented 11 years ago



横坐标对应的是evtID,纵坐标是clock_t的计数,对应时间; evt0 start反应的是每个事件结束时间和第一个事件开始时间的时间差; each start是每个事件的耗时; 看evt0start的图,对于本底事例有很多台阶,这些台阶就是耗时长的event造成的。
