mirko / SonOTA

Flashing Itead Sonoff devices with custom firmware via original OTA mechanism
GNU General Public License v2.0
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Just blinking, no response #159

Open mikecapito opened 5 years ago

mikecapito commented 5 years ago

Hello, thanks in advance for any help you can give me getting unstuck. This is my first foray into Sonoff-ing :)

I wanted to flash a new firmware so I soldered headers onto the pins. Then I found this and realized I could flash it OTA, which worked great. I could toggle the relay from the web interface. Yay!

I tried to hook up a DHT11 to my soldered headers, but it didn't report any temperatures. I tried turning on logging, but it that seemed to make it slow. I noticed in the logs that it was polling MQTT. I tried to turn off MQTT in the config, but that didn't help the slowness. Between the slowness and the fact the sensor wasn't working, I decided to upgrade the Tasmota firmware to the latest from this repo. It worked great, and I could see the difference in the web interface, so I know I was using the latest firmware (and I checked on the information screen). However, neither the slowness or the temperature were working, so I decided to reset the settings to the defaults (using the button on the interface).

That's when everything fell apart. Right now it is blinking at me like it wants to be in AP mode, but none are showing up. I tried 4-quick-button pushes and it still didn't start a public AP. I tried 5-quick button pushes, but it didn't connect to my routers WPS. I tried holding it for 40 seconds (and felt the relay click after 40 seconds) but it didn't seem to change anything.

Now I don't know what to do. It just sits there blinking at me. (I also hear it "click" every 5 minutes or so) It is not connecting to my wifi (I checked my router), it is not creating an access point. Is it bricked? Is there anything else I can do?

Again, thanks for any ideas you can think of.
