mirko3000 / MMM-max

This is an extension for the MagicMirror. It displays temperatures from your local MAX! cube.
MIT License
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Not shown any thermostats #3

Open blazkom opened 6 years ago

blazkom commented 6 years ago

I am trying to connect only one radiator thermostat and one room thermostat. When i enter correct Ip address and start up magic mirror i get only header and nothing bellow. (like this:


If i enter wrong ip address i get connecting to MAX cube..... same is if i have open program for conecting with max cube

mirko3000 commented 6 years ago

Do you see anything in the logs? How many rooms have you configured in your MAX cube? Can you send you config file?

blazkom commented 6 years ago


I have set only one room for now. I this room i have one radiator thermostat and one wall thermostat. In log i see only:

started MMM-max helper

and then every 5 minutes updated MMM-max status

Config file is like this below: { module: 'MMM-max', position: 'bottom_left', header: '', // This is optional config: { maxIP: "", twoColLayout: "true" } },

mirko3000 commented 6 years ago

I would suggest setting the twoColLayout to false, then try again. Might be a bug when only one column is present...