mirkokiefer / aws-lib

Extensible Node.js library for the Amazon Web Services API
MIT License
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what is the yourAssociateTag meant to be? #98

Closed gh0sTedBuddy closed 9 years ago

gh0sTedBuddy commented 9 years ago

hi there, i just tried out this library and run into an error.

by testing the example for the amazon product advertising api i used:

prodAdv = _this.aws.createProdAdvClient(_this.options.aws_apikey, _this.options.aws_apisecret, _this.options.aws_user);

prodAdv.call("ItemSearch", {SearchIndex: "Books", Keywords: "Javascript"}, function(err, result) {

the response is:

{ '@': { xmlns: 'http://webservices.amazon.com/AWSECommerceService/2011-04-01' },
   { RequestId: 'xxxxx',
     Arguments: { Argument: [Object] },
     RequestProcessingTime: '0.0074920000000000' },
   { Request: 
      { IsValid: 'False',
        ItemSearchRequest: [Object],
        Errors: [Object] } } }

what am i doing wrong?

i used for yourAssociationTag the username i've created under https://console.aws.amazon.com/iam/home?#users

gh0sTedBuddy commented 9 years ago

figgured it out by myself. amazon deactivated my associate account for not having an website online.