Inspired by devert chemicals model as states for cell. Problem is how to supply different count of neighbors from one direction (this is the case for irreguar lattice structure) to the MLP rule.
I this case input to MLP could be mean of "chemicals" from neighbours.
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In this case we take all north neighbours state, create mean of chemical values and supply this new state vecstor to MLP. Also we could include number of neighbours and supply this value to MLP as well
Inspired by devert chemicals model as states for cell. Problem is how to supply different count of neighbors from one direction (this is the case for irreguar lattice structure) to the MLP rule.
I this case input to MLP could be mean of "chemicals" from neighbours.
In this case we take all north neighbours state, create mean of chemical values and supply this new state vecstor to MLP. Also we could include number of neighbours and supply this value to MLP as well