for it is easy for a human to read,
I have switched on the state printing in
run this file with command python > output.txt
see if the results make sense
a 1-8 number represents a snake body, with value = its id
9 represents a food
feel free to make your own test
you won't be able to see dead snakes' bodies or how it died. In other words, they just disappear one turn before they make the stupid move.
for it is easy for a human to read, I have switched on the state printing in run this file with command python > output.txt see if the results make sense a 1-8 number represents a snake body, with value = its id 9 represents a food feel free to make your own test
you won't be able to see dead snakes' bodies or how it died. In other words, they just disappear one turn before they make the stupid move.