miromannino / Justified-Gallery

Javascript library to help creating high quality justified galleries of images. Used by thousands of websites as well as the photography community 500px.
MIT License
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Infinite "loading" progress #35

Open rbut opened 10 years ago

rbut commented 10 years ago

Hi, i have intergrated Justified-Gallery in my website, but sometimes the gallery doesn't load at all, and the "loading" progress image stays on the screen forever. It only happens sometimes, but I can't figgure out a rule. Is there anyway I could fix that? Thanks. (I'm using Firefox 29.0.1.)

miromannino commented 10 years ago

Just see the console, probably there is an error. Tell me what it says.

bobbens commented 10 years ago

I'm getting the same issue. No errors in the console, and it only happens sometimes for some reason. I tried with latest jquery 2 and jquery 1 and both seem to have this issue. This is with firefox 31. Do you have any insights as to why this might happen?

kevbot123 commented 10 years ago

Just to confirm it's not an anomaly, I'm having the same issue as well on firefox (OSX). Happens probably 30% of the time, the loading icon will just hang with no images loaded. I can't see any errors in the console either. It seems very odd that it would only be in firefox, could it be some CSS rules?

bobbens commented 10 years ago

Not sure if this helps (I have low to none web development background), but if instead of starting the gallery from a script directly in the document head, you include a remote document to do that (script src=...), it seems to no longer hang. Or at least I am unable to reproduce atm.

miromannino commented 10 years ago

I cannot replicate the error. Some versions ago, there was a similar error in IE, but now it seems all fine. Sometimes there are some things in the pages that can modify the behaviour of other scripts, but I need one of your pages that produces the error.

rbut commented 10 years ago

Just browse several times through the "collage" and "photo" sections of website www.cristianroseanu.ro and you might get it:

miromannino commented 10 years ago

No, I can't replicate it. What's the browser you're using?

rbut commented 10 years ago

...try to navigate some more through that website until you see it... it usually appears after some (10 -20) random clicks. I am currently using Firefox 32.0.2, but i encountered the problem on previous versions of Firefox too. On all other browsers works fine.

Ema4rl commented 9 years ago

It doesn't depend on the browser type. I've replicated the error on latest versions of Chrome, Firefox, and Opera (in Windows & Ubuntu). I found a way to reduce the frequency though. Do something like: (script src="Justified-Gallery.js")(/script) (div)html for your gallery(/div) (script) //initialize your gallery without document ready like this: $('#selector').justifiedGallery(); (/script)

==>Should have learnt markdown when I had the chance...those are html!!! Goodluck...

AnthonySuper commented 9 years ago

Confirming this is happening randomly to me as well. I'll try the Githubissues.

  • Githubissues is a development platform for aggregating issues.