mironov / react-redux-loading-bar

Loading Bar (aka Progress Bar) for Redux and React
MIT License
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× Could not find "store" in the context of "Connect(LoadingBar)". #98

Open ahmadsukabul opened 5 years ago

ahmadsukabul commented 5 years ago

× Could not find "store" in the context of "Connect(LoadingBar)". Either wrap the root component in a , or pass a custom React context provider to and the corresponding React context consumer to Connect(LoadingBar) in connect options.

please help me.. thanks alot

mironov commented 5 years ago

@ahmadsukabul That must mean that the component can't find Redux store in the context. Please make sure that you have wrapped up your React tree in the Provider as it is shown in the Redux docs: https://redux.js.org/basics/usage-with-react#passing-the-store

Malexs commented 4 years ago

@mironov not sure, but seems like we get this error after react-redux update to v7.1.0 even with associated store.

mironov commented 4 years ago

@Malexs Could you provide a repository that reproduces the issue? The demo of the Loading Bar uses react-redux 7, and seems to be working fine: https://github.com/mironov/react-redux-loading-bar/tree/gh-pages