miroslavpejic85 / mirotalk

🚀 WebRTC - P2P - Simple, Secure, Fast Real-Time Video Conferences Up to 4k and 60fps, compatible with all browsers and platforms.
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discord Inviting link expired #158

Closed Micraow closed 1 year ago

Micraow commented 1 year ago

Screenshot_2023-04-12-17-23-02-907_org mozilla firefox

Hello, I asked a question before.You asked me to join the forum and discuss.But in my region, accessing discord is difficult.Today, I finally have the opportunity to use VPN to open discord,I found that the invitation link has expired.

I hope you can agree with me asking you a question here (github). I think there is no problem with my installation.But I was unable to successfully join the room.It always appears loading.I checked the console of the browser and found no errors.And I saw the network section of the browser developer tool, everything(except xss.js ,but that shouldn't stop the room from being entered,I think.)is downloaded. But I just can't join the room.I don't know why, and I don't have any logs to post.I used COTURN on my own server.

P. S. When I was writing this paragraph, I tried using VPN to bypass the Great Firewall, Then I can successfully join the room.But I mainly target some people in my area.Is there any way for me to enter the room without using a VPN?I just couldn't find out which resource was not loaded correctly.But by comparing two network requests, I found that when not using VPN, the browser seems to not request .../Socket.io/... This address.

miroslavpejic85 commented 1 year ago

Hello @Micraow,

The discord server invitation never expired as i can see in the config.

Make sure the URL is correct: https://discord.gg/rgGYfeYW3N (not see the last char N in the img URL)

Discord seems banned in China: https://www.comparitech.com/blog/vpn-privacy/unblock-discord-china

However for the proper functioning of MiroTalk P2P in case a direct peer to peer connection is not possible, it needs a TURN server as backup for traffic relay.

You have to configure - install your own STUN-TURN server, and once you copy the .env.template file into .env, edit the Stun - Turn part.

Take a look at this documentation I created, where I also explain how to install - test it.

I used COTURN on my own server.

Make sure is correctly installed and if is reachable.

Note Currently if you run MiroTalk P2P on your VPS or VDS, and don't edit the .env file, it use:

As STUN: stun:stun.l.google.com:19302 (which may be unreachable from some countries)

As TURN: turn:a.relay.metered.ca:443 (please, create an account and changes username-credential with your own)

    // As backup if not configured, please configure your own in the .env file
    // https://www.metered.ca/tools/openrelay/
        urls: 'turn:a.relay.metered.ca:443',
        username: 'e8dd65b92c62d3e36cafb807',
        credential: 'uWdWNmkhvyqTEswO',

I would also recommend you to try MiroTalk SFU.