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Webcam + Mic Permissions not showing on android devices. #180

Closed Mostaxd closed 8 months ago

Mostaxd commented 8 months ago

the Webcam + Mic Permissions are not showing on android devices. So the screen freezes on the blue animation and doesn't ask for cam/mic access. It works only on IOS + PC

miroslavpejic85 commented 8 months ago

If your web application's webcam and microphone permissions are not appearing on Android devices, but they work on iOS and PC, there could be several reasons for this issue. Here are some steps to troubleshoot and resolve the problem:

  1. Check Browser Compatibility: Make sure the Android device is using a compatible web browser (e.g., Chrome, Firefox) that supports WebRTC, which is required for webcam and microphone access in web applications.

  2. Update the Browser: Ensure that the browser on the Android device is updated to the latest version. Sometimes, outdated browsers may have issues with permissions.

  3. Test in Incognito Mode: Sometimes browser extensions or settings can interfere with permissions. Try accessing your web application in incognito mode to see if that resolves the issue.

  4. Check Permissions in Browser Settings:

    • Go to the browser settings on the Android device.
    • Look for the permissions section and check if the camera and microphone are allowed for the specific website.
    • If they are blocked, unblock them.
  5. Clear Browser Cache: Clearing the browser cache and cookies may also help resolve permission-related issues. You can do this in the browser settings.

  6. Check for JavaScript Errors: There may be JavaScript errors in your web application that prevent the permissions dialog from appearing. Open the browser console on the Android device to check for any errors and fix them.

  7. Test on Different Android Devices: Sometimes, the issue might be specific to a particular device. Test your web application on multiple Android devices to see if the problem is consistent or isolated.

  8. Cross-Origin Issues: If your web application is running on a different domain (cross-origin), you may need to handle CORS (Cross-Origin Resource Sharing) correctly. Ensure that your server is configured to allow cross-origin requests for camera and microphone access.

  9. HTTPS Requirement: Ensure that your web application is served over HTTPS. Some browsers require secure connections for accessing webcam and microphone.

  10. Permissions Prompt Delay: The permissions prompt may not appear immediately in some cases. Try waiting for a while on the blue animation screen to see if the permissions prompt eventually appears.

  11. Check Android Permissions: Make sure that the Android device itself has granted permissions to the browser to access the camera and microphone. Go to the device's settings, find the app permissions section, and grant the necessary permissions to the browser.

  12. Test with a Simple WebRTC Demo: To isolate the issue, you can try a simple WebRTC demo on the Android device to see if it's a problem with your specific web application or a broader issue with the device or browser.

If you've gone through these troubleshooting steps and the issue persists, it might be helpful to provide more specific information about, such as the device and browser involved. Additionally, checking for any Android-specific bugs or updates related to your web framework or library can be useful.

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