miroslavpejic85 / mirotalk

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Allowing users to modify audio constraints when using the `getUserMedia` API #191

Closed miroslavpejic85 closed 6 months ago

miroslavpejic85 commented 6 months ago

Advanced options within the Audio settings

Implementing an advanced options dropdown menu within the Audio settings, similar to the one featured in MiroTalk SFU.

Here the commit: https://github.com/miroslavpejic85/mirotalksfu/commit/3528dac63923272775113a1e0558480cd5d9b569#commitcomment-130592929.

This enhancement will provide users with more control and customization over their audio settings.


  1. Customized User Experience: Users have the ability to tailor their audio settings, which can enhance their overall experience with WebRTC applications. This customization allows them to fine-tune audio quality to suit their preferences and needs.

  2. Improved Audio Quality: Users can adjust settings such as noise suppression, echo cancellation, and sample rate to improve the audio quality of their real-time communication. This can lead to clearer, more natural-sounding conversations.

  3. Reduced Background Noise: By enabling noise suppression and adjusting other audio constraints, users can minimize unwanted background noise, ensuring that their conversations are more focused and less distracting.

  4. Flexible for Various Use Cases: Different use cases may require different audio settings. Providing users with the ability to customize these settings makes WebRTC applications more versatile and adaptable to a wide range of scenarios.

  5. Accessibility: Customizable audio constraints can benefit individuals with hearing impairments or other accessibility needs. They can adjust settings to better accommodate their specific requirements.

  6. Developer Flexibility: Developers can create more feature-rich and user-friendly applications by allowing users to customize audio constraints. This can lead to increased user satisfaction and a competitive edge in the market.

  7. Personalization: The ability to adjust audio volume and other parameters allows users to personalize their real-time communication experience, making it more comfortable and enjoyable.

  8. Competitive Advantage: Offering these customization options can set a WebRTC application apart from competitors, as it demonstrates a commitment to user satisfaction and a willingness to adapt to user feedback.

  9. Research and Experimentation: Researchers and developers can use these customizable audio constraints to experiment with different audio settings, potentially leading to advancements in audio technology and communication.

  10. Feedback and Continuous Improvement: Allowing users to modify audio constraints can provide valuable feedback to developers. This feedback can be used to refine and improve audio processing algorithms and features in WebRTC applications.

Incorporating the ability for users to modify audio constraints in WebRTC applications can significantly enhance the user experience, accommodate a broader range of use cases, and contribute to the overall improvement of real-time communication technology.

Additional context

UI like in MiroTalk SFU version.
