miroslavpejic85 / mirotalk

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Implement Husky for Codebase Improvement #192

Closed Tholkappiar closed 6 months ago

Tholkappiar commented 6 months ago

Feature request

I propose adding Husky , eslint to enhance the code quality in this repository.


Husky ensures code quality by running scripts before Git commits and pushes, and Prettier automates code formatting for consistent style.

Additional context


PS : I'm eager to work on this. Please assign this issue to me.

miroslavpejic85 commented 6 months ago

Hey Tholkappiar,

Thank you for your attention to the pull request. I'd like to extend an invitation to join our official forum, where we host a dedicated channel for sharing ideas & suggestions. It's a great space for us to collaborate and discuss various topics.

As of now, we're utilizing Prettier, and we've set up a specific configuration file named .prettierrc.js.

Just a quick heads-up, as mentioned in the README, before making commits, we execute the following command:

npm run lint

This command ensures the same formatting without relying on git, streamlining the process.

I hope this clarifies the workflow a bit more.