miroslavpejic85 / mirotalk

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[feature] Add display mode for peer #207

Closed yanky2000 closed 3 months ago

yanky2000 commented 3 months ago

Title: Adds display mode for peers


Adds button in the left menu to start controlled "Display mode" for peers - aka "Property demo" by location. During the demo all users can browse through available pictures of the same property individually, but the property itself can be changed only by Initiator.

Description: Two proxy API routes were added to store API keys & endpoint securely on the server. The aggregated data (property list, adjusted according to a user-specified location) is calculated on the initiator's client side and stored in indexdb. When the carousel is initiated, it signals its "actions" to peer users via news events. The first "start" event goes with a payload of an aggregated property list, through which everybody will browse afterwards.


** Add keys & endpoint to .env file to run.

I tried to stay consistent with the techniques used in the rest of the codebase, however there are some key points to consider: