miroslavpejic85 / mirotalk

🚀 WebRTC - P2P - Simple, Secure, Fast Real-Time Video Conferences Up to 4k and 60fps, compatible with all browsers and platforms.
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Annoying share-this-room pop-up each and every time #217

Closed AtmanActive closed 2 months ago

AtmanActive commented 2 months ago

Feature request

Please make the big share-this-room pop-up modal cookie-based so it shows only once or, at most, three times per browser lifetime.


We can use p2p.mirotalk as a fast get-on-a-call solution without having to close the modal each and every time.

Additional context

When the first participant joins a room, then, they are presented with a share-this-room modal pop-up which shows the room QR code, URL, and so on. This window is great, it's very useful, but it also gets annoying after a while. There is no need to spam the user with this pop-up absolutely each and every time they join an empty room. A solution to this would be to write a cookie (or some other browser data store) to count how many times was this shown in that particular browser and then simply stop showing it after a while. Or, add a checkbox on the pop-up "don't show this again", and when checked, save that state in a cookie or datastore and stop showing the pop-up going forward.


miroslavpejic85 commented 2 months ago

Hi @AtmanActive,

This functionality has already been implemented. 😊


Before opening an issue here, please utilize the forum to share ideas & suggestions.

Thank you!