miroslavpejic85 / mirotalk

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Can't disable microphone #225

Closed Giorgio-Banani closed 1 month ago

Giorgio-Banani commented 1 month ago

Describe the bug

When you start a call you can choose to start it with a muted microphone. When you try that, you will notice that the microphone is still active even thow its shown as RED and DISABLED.

To reproduce

Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Start a call on a desktop
  2. Join the call with another device (mobile phone), but disable the mic before entering the call
  3. Hear yourself on the desktop, even thow the mic should be muted on the mobile phone.

Expected behavior

Muted should be muted.

Desktop - Mobile

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miroslavpejic85 commented 1 month ago

@Giorgio-Banani should be fixed now. Thank you.