Open Azeirah opened 2 months ago
Hmm.. Even though the set-up is complaining, I can in fact use most (if not all?) of the tools in the ESP IDF vscodium plugin.
I am able to build, monitor from the plugin UI. I haven't been able to set-up flash, but that's due to openocd config issues that I haven't figured out yet (exporting like the other open issue said wasn't enough).
I'm still exploring the ESP development environment, so I'll keep this issue open as a starting point for conversation about the plugin as well as a point of reference for what I have and have not been able to get working.
group. In my Nix configuration, I added dialout
to my user's extraGroups
list. I found the missing group with stat -c '%G' /dev/ttyUSB0
.IDE exploration
window.Oh and for reference, I made a flake that combines this project with the vscodium flake. I have to be honest, I let claude do most of it. I'm still learning Nix. For what it's worth, it does work. It gives you a vscodium installation with ESP-IDF pre-installed, so it's practically a portable development environment nixified.
If anyone is interested in trying (or roasting the flake, I'm sorry!) feel free to comment :)
description = "ESP-IDF development environment with VSCodium";
inputs = {
nixpkgs.url = "nixpkgs/nixpkgs-unstable";
flake-utils.url = "github:numtide/flake-utils";
nix-vscode-extensions.url = "github:nix-community/nix-vscode-extensions";
esp-dev.url = "github:mirrexagon/nixpkgs-esp-dev";
outputs = { self, nixpkgs, flake-utils, nix-vscode-extensions, esp-dev }:
flake-utils.lib.eachDefaultSystem (system:
pkgs = import nixpkgs {
inherit system;
overlays = [
extensions = pkgs.vscode-marketplace;
vscodium-with-extensions = pkgs.vscode-with-extensions.override {
vscode = pkgs.vscodium;
vscodeExtensions = [
in {
packages = {
default = vscodium-with-extensions;
inherit (pkgs) esp-idf-full;
devShells.default = pkgs.mkShell {
buildInputs = [
shellHook = ''
alias i=''
printf "\033[1;36m" # Set text color to cyan
cat << EOF
║ Welcome to the ESP-IDF Development Environment! ║
This environment provides you with:
1. VSCodium with pre-configured extensions for ESP-IDF development
- Run 'codium' to start the IDE
2. ESP-IDF tools, including (aliased to 'i')
- Run 'i' or '' to use the ESP-IDF build system
To get started with ESP-IDF, visit:
Here's a quick overview of what's available:
printf "\033[0m" # Reset text color
printf "\033[1;33m" # Set text color to yellow
printf "\nVSCodium with extensions:\n"
codium --list-extensions
printf "\033[0m" # Reset text color
printf "\033[1;32m" # Set text color to green
printf "\nESP-IDF environment:\n"
i --version
printf "\033[0m" # Reset text color
printf "\n\033[1mTip:\033[0m You can use 'i' as a shortcut for ''. For example:\n"
printf " i build\n"
printf " i flash\n"
printf " i monitor\n"
printf "\n\033[1mHappy coding with ESP-IDF!\033[0m\n"
Search for documentation feature does not work:
This is a desirable feature, so I'll have to find a workaround for it.
I'm trying to set-up vscodium with the ESP-IDF plugin to do esp development, but as you can see it's not quite working.
I think the issue might have to do with permissions?
Anyone have an idea how I can get the ESP-IDF plugin for VSCode(ium) to work on Nix?