mirzemehdi / KMPAuth

Kotlin Multiplatform Authentication Library targetting android and iOS
Apache License 2.0
131 stars 9 forks source link

Token Null #17

Closed orelvis15 closed 2 months ago

orelvis15 commented 2 months ago

I'm trying to integrate the lib into my app but when I try to use authentication with Google through Firebase most of the time it doesn't do anything and other times the response comes but it fails and it says that the token is null.

I also downloaded the FindTravelNow app from the PlayStore but when I try to authenticate with Google it throws a toast saying that the token is null.

Which leaves me wondering if the app is broken in production or if my phone, since I am in the Android beta group and have versions of Android that are not yet stable on my phone, could be the problem.

It is also not clear to me what should happen once I click on the button, should the Google UI appear with all the accounts? Please, if you could add other screenshots of what the flow we should expect would be like, I would be grateful.

val onFirebaseResult: (Result<FirebaseUser?>) -> Unit = {

GoogleButtonUiContainerFirebase(onResult = onFirebaseResult) {
    GoogleSignInButton(modifier = Modifier.fillMaxWidth()) {
orelvis15 commented 2 months ago

Yesterday I left the Android beta plan and ran the tests again and it is already working well, it seems that the beta version that I had installed was not very stable or it could also be that the next APIs bring braking changes. I proceed to close the Issue.