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Missing "/" in waypoint_updater.py? #3

Closed mischastik closed 6 years ago

mischastik commented 6 years ago

This might be a stupid question, since I'm not really familiar with ROS so far, but why does line 37 of waypoint_updater.py read:

  self.final_waypoints_pub = rospy.Publisher('final_waypoints', Lane, queue_size=1)

whereas everywhere else the name of a topic is preceded with "/"?

misaksson commented 6 years ago

Maybe the first "/" is implicit? There is also no "/" when subscribing to the topics in waypoint_follower/src/pure_pursuit.cpp line 59-63, although both /current_pose and /current_velocity are published with a starting "/", see styx/conf.py, so it seems like it doesn't matter.

mischastik commented 6 years ago

Ah, thanks.