misenhower / splatoon3.ink

🦑 Splatoon 3 map rotations, Salmon Run schedules, SplatNet gear, and more
MIT License
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Viewing All Upcoming Stages #10

Closed Hatamitch closed 1 year ago

Hatamitch commented 1 year ago

Will there be a feature to view all the upcoming stages in the future pipeline? This is available in Splatoon2.ink and it’s the feature I used the most previously. I hope this feature will be available down the line.

Thank you for making this site, I love it and I use it daily!

misenhower commented 1 year ago

Yes! This is the next thing I'm going to be working on. Sorry this has taken so long, I've had a lot of other things going on lately 😄

Glad to hear you like the site!

misenhower commented 1 year ago

Hey there, this is now available on the site!

image image

Hatamitch commented 1 year ago

Yessss! Thank you for making this!