misenhower / splatoon3.ink

🦑 Splatoon 3 map rotations, Salmon Run schedules, SplatNet gear, and more
MIT License
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Serve screenshot images #29

Closed catgirlinspace closed 1 year ago

catgirlinspace commented 1 year ago

This pull request adds the ImageWriter status client. The ImageWriter is very similar to the FileWriter client except it does not output a debug file. I chose to make a new client for this instead of using FileWriter because the debug file from FileWriter could potentially have more information in the future which should maybe not be exposed? (kinda just guessing here)

The nginx config is very similar to the one from Splatoon2.ink (https://github.com/misenhower/splatoon2.ink/commit/0a9430af00f1d16b3229ce06f205e1f59cfb2a2e) with the addition of autoindex on so that the files can be found easily. These image paths should also be documented in the GitHub wiki.

Carrying on from #28, this pull request also adds a social:test:image npm script that is implemented in the same way as social:test:mastodon.

misenhower commented 1 year ago

@catgirlinspace I didn't realize you were the one who originally requested that for Splatoon2.ink! 😄

This PR looks great to me, thank you! And good thinking on breaking it out to a different client class.