misenhower / splatoon3.ink

🦑 Splatoon 3 map rotations, Salmon Run schedules, SplatNet gear, and more
MIT License
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Mobile appify website like splatoon2.ink #6

Closed sburbol closed 1 year ago

sburbol commented 1 year ago

Adding the splatoon3.ink site to home screen in Android (not sure about iOS) makes a link to the site as expected but does not show the favicon or load as its own single page. splatoon2.ink does this already. Not actually sure what the term for this is, and it is just cosmetic but looks and feels nicer.

Thanks for your work on this site, it's awesome and I use it daily :)

Rexogamer commented 1 year ago

You're thinking of a PWA ^^

sburbol commented 1 year ago

That's the term I was looking for, thanks!

misenhower commented 1 year ago

Hey @sburbol, I know exactly what you're talking about. I'll get that added here too.

Glad to hear you like the site!

misenhower commented 1 year ago

This should be better now, let me know how it goes!