misfist / petfinder-search-rescue

Filterable and searchable Petfinder listing
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Petfinder API 2.0 #1

Closed ccj242 closed 3 years ago

ccj242 commented 3 years ago

Hi - any plans on updating this to support version 2 of the Petfinder API? I'm having a hard time integrating into wordpress right now as it is. This is an awesome plugin, thanks!

misfist commented 3 years ago


I haven't looked at this in a long time... But, I may have some time in the coming weeks to update for Petfinder API v2. I'll let you know when there is an update.

ccj242 commented 3 years ago

That's wonderful news - I volunteer at an animal rescue, https://www.pawscrossedny.org, who want to integrate the plugin on their new site. It seems to be live and working here: https://daws.org/dog-gallery/ but I can't seem to get it to work on a new Wordpress site.

Anyway this plugin rocks, please let me know if I can help. I'm an angular dev with js experience and familiarity with the petfinder api, though I'm new to wordpress.

ccj242 commented 3 years ago

hey @misfist, I volunteer at another rescue who is interested in the plugin: https://snarrnortheast.org - let me know if I can help at all or if you know of a way to get the plugin working as is. Thanks!

misfist commented 3 years ago


I'm actually looking at it today (it's been a while)...

Couple of questions for you:

  1. Does it need to continue to support v1 or is only v2 valid now?
  2. Did you check out any of the other WordPress Petfinder plugins? https://wordpress.org/plugins/search/petfinder/
ccj242 commented 3 years ago

Sorry for the slow response, crazy couple days -->

  1. Pretty sure v1 has been deprecated though I'm not sure.
  2. I did check these out - "petfinder listings" seems the most comparable and probably what I would have ended up using unless I coded something up myself (if you hadn't responded). When inspecting your plugin things made a bit more sense to me and since I'm new to wordpress, I couldn't figure out how to open a modal in the "petfinder listings" plugin like the implementation of your plugin here: https://daws.org/dog-gallery/. I'll devote some time to looking over the documentation for the newer plugins and seeing if I can't figure out how to emulate that functionality. Also DM me if you ever want to need help with animal rescue related projects, always trying to volunteer. Thanks!
ccj242 commented 3 years ago

I played with the current wordpress plugins in some detail and couldn't find anyway to replicate the search functionality or the handsome modal layout of your plugin, though it could just be because I'm still a wordpress novice. I can probably make it work as a plan B but if you're thinking of updating you plugin, that would definitely be my (and I imagine quite a few other people's) first choice! Thanks :)

ccj242 commented 3 years ago

Hey after reading about the limitation of the new petfinder api, that it cuts off descriptions after 150 chars, the rescues I volunteer at want to go a different route - they both use petstablished which has its own simple rest API so I'm thinking I'll try my hand at making a plugin for shelters using that service. If you would be interested in helping, please let me know - I could even pay you a modest amount. Of course it would be open source and free for all. Regardless, nice to make your acquaintance! Appreciate all your important work to help animals!