Common use case for a DI container. Rather than annotating fields, a single constructor would carry the annotation, and all of its arguments would be injected during construction for an @Autowired field of that type. This is an alternative to directly annotating fields that often allows for less type-fu when unit testing, as well as the ability to turn off Iroh altogether and just pass in the correct instances manually.
public class Example {
public static class Dependency { ... }
public Example(Dependency a) {
public void testAutowiredConstructor() { ... }
Common use case for a DI container. Rather than annotating fields, a single constructor would carry the annotation, and all of its arguments would be injected during construction for an
field of that type. This is an alternative to directly annotating fields that often allows for less type-fu when unit testing, as well as the ability to turn off Iroh altogether and just pass in the correct instances manually.