mishpro-programm / infoinpause

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Game crashes when using shortcuts #3

Open ghost opened 7 months ago

ghost commented 7 months ago

when doing these shortcuts while in a level, escape->space->escape->escape which opens the pause menu closes it and open it again then exits the level and this crashes the game. crash log (note my game is running through proton on linux)

Whoopsies! An unhandled exception has occurred.

== Geode Information ==
- Working Directory: Z:\home\Async\.local\share\Steam\steamapps\common\Geometry Dash
- Loader Version: v2.0.0-beta.25 (Geometry Dash v2.204)
- Loader Commit: 20dc3c9
- Bindings Commit: 2eb85b0
- Installed Mods: 52 (Loaded: 39/39)
- 4GB Patch: Patched
- Problems: 0

== Exception Information ==
- Thread Information: "Main" (ID: 300)
- Exception Code: EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION (0xC0000005)
- Exception Address: mishpro.comments_in_pause_menu.dll+0x5CF1 (<0x5ca0>+0x51)
- Exception Flags: 0x0
- Exception Parameters: 0x0, 0x0
- Access Violation Type: Read
- Access Violation Address: 0x00000000
- Protect: PAGE_NOACCESS (0x1)
- State: MEM_FREE (0x10000)
- Type: Unknown (0x0)

== Stack Trace ==
- mishpro.comments_in_pause_menu.dll+0x5CF1 (<0x5ca0>+0x51)
- mishpro.comments_in_pause_menu.dll+0x5BFD (<0x5b70>+0x8d)
- Geode.dll+0x4F932 (geode::modifier::AsStaticFunction_update<FunctionQueue,void (FunctionQueue::*)(float) __attribute__((thiscall))>::Impl<void (FunctionQueue::*)(float) __attribute__((thiscall))>::function+0x12)
└ D:\a\geode\geode\build\bindings\bindings\Geode\modify\CCScheduler.hpp:115
- 0x3337373C
- 0x02583B69
- mat.draw-divide.dll+0x141B (<0x1400>+0x1b)
- 0x0258378B
- GeometryDash.exe+0x3C12D8 (<0x3c10f0>+0x1e8)
- Geode.dll+0x1759D4 (gdMainHook+0x214)
└ D:\a\geode\geode\loader\src\platform\windows\main.cpp:59
- 0x2C003E31
- GeometryDash.exe+0x3C267E (<0x3c1710>+0xf6e)
- kernel32.dll+0xE97C
- ntdll.dll+0xCB13
- ntdll.dll+0x3EF42

== Register States ==
- EAX: 00000000 (0i | 0u)
- EBX: 0C1B9A7C (-> 0xC0149E8 -> &"C:\windows\system32\nsi.dll")
- ECX: 149281C0 (-> 0x8667EC -> 0x7C1742 -> GeometryDash.exe+0x3C1742 (<0x3c1710>+0x32))
- EDX: 00F8FB28 (-> 0xF8FEE8 -> 0xF8FF40 -> 0xF8FF94 -> 0xFFFFFFFF)
- ESI: 149281C0 (-> 0x8667EC -> 0x7C1742 -> GeometryDash.exe+0x3C1742 (<0x3c1710>+0x32))
- EDI: 0C3971E0 (&"")
- EBP: 00F8FAFC (-> 0xF8FB40 -> 0xF8FB7C -> 0xF8FC40 -> 0xF8FC50 -> 0xF8FCA8 -> 0xF8FDA0 -> 0xF8FF04 -> 0xF8FF50 -> 0xF8FF68 -> 0xF8FF80 -> 0xF8FFEC -> &"")
- ESP: 00F8FACC (&"")
- EIP: 77345CF1 (mishpro.comments_in_pause_menu.dll+0x5CF1 (<0x5ca0>+0x51))
- AF: 0 | CF: 0 | DF: 0 
- IF: 1 | OF: 0 | PF: 1 
- SF: 0 | TF: 0 | ZF: 1 

== Installed Mods ==
  | [v1.0.5] abb2k.backup
x | [v1.1.3] adam_729.deathmarkers
  | [v1.0.2] alphalaneous.random_tab
x | [v1.0.0] alvy.movecommentdown
  | [v1.0.0] asyncthevoid.testing
x | [v1.0.0] bingy3.auto_delete
x | [v1.0.8] bitz.customprofiles
  | [v1.0.4] bitz.moregames
x | [v1.1.0] blackholemx.nomoregames
x | [v1.0.0] capeling.colored_level_info_bg
  | [v1.1.0] capeling.goodbye_unnecessary_buttons
x | [v1.1.4] capeling.icon_profile_2.2
x | [v1.0.4] cdc.level_thumbnails
  | [v1.0.2] colon.gold_user_coins
x | [v4.1.10] cvolton.betterinfo
x | [v1.1.3] cvolton.misc_bugfixes
x | [v1.0.1] elsai.easing_preview
x | [v1.0.4] firee.GoldenBest
x | [v1.5.6] geode.custom-keybinds
x | [v2.0.0-beta.25] geode.loader
x | [v1.9.1] geode.node-ids
x | [v1.5.0] geode.texture-loader
x | [v6.3.3] hjfod.betteredit
x | [v0.1.9] lexi.visiblecheckpoints
  | [v1.3.2] m336.levelinfo
x | [v1.1.3] mat.circle-tool
x | [v1.0.1] mat.draw-divide
x | [v1.1.0] mat.scroll-zoom
x | [v1.1.1] mishpro.comments_in_pause_menu
x | [v1.2.0] ml5.treasure-checklist
  | [v1.0.1] n.friends
x | [v1.0.2] nytelyte.garage_utilities
x | [v1.2.0] prevter.bettercrash
  | [v1.1.0] raydeeux.disturbingnewbests
x | [v1.2.0] raydeeux.loadingscreentweaks
  | [v1.1.3] raydeeux.wholesomeendtexts
  | [v1.3.0] raydeeux_thesillydoggo.evenmoreleveltags
x | [v1.0.0] relative.scroll_faster_with_ctrl
x | [v1.1.0] rynat.better_unlock_info
x | [v1.1.0] sofabeddd.colored_icon_kit
x | [v1.0.3] sofabeddd.geometry_dash
x | [v2.0.5] spaghettdev.gd-roulette
  | [v1.1.0] techstudent10.button_sfx
x | [v1.0.1] techstudent10.hide_locks
x | [v1.0.1] thesillydoggo.animatedprofiles
x | [v1.6.9] thesillydoggo.entersearch
x | [v1.0.3] thesillydoggo.icon_kit_switcher
  | [v1.0.3] undefined0.buttoneasing
x | [v1.1.0] uproxide.autosong
x | [v1.3.0] uproxide.more_difficulties
x | [v1.1.3] weebify.coins_in_pause_menu
x | [v1.0.2] xiyxs.confirmpracticerestart

== Stack Allocations ==
- 0xF8FACC: 00000000 (0i | 0u)
- 0xF8FAD0: 0C397240 (-> 0x774BCA88 -> 0x77345B70 -> mishpro.comments_in_pause_menu.dll+0x5B70 (<0x5b70>+0x0))
- 0xF8FAD4: 0C1B9A78 (-> 0xC397240 -> 0x774BCA88 -> 0x77345B70 -> mishpro.comments_in_pause_menu.dll+0x5B70 (<0x5b70>+0x0))
- 0xF8FAD8: 00F8FB04 (&"")
- 0xF8FADC: 77345BC4 (mishpro.comments_in_pause_menu.dll+0x5BC4 (<0x5b70>+0x54))
- 0xF8FAE0: 00F8FACC (&"")
- 0xF8FAE4: 00F8FB28 (-> 0xF8FEE8 -> 0xF8FF40 -> 0xF8FF94 -> 0xFFFFFFFF)
- 0xF8FAE8: 773460D0 (mishpro.comments_in_pause_menu.dll+0x60D0 (<0x5e10>+0x2c0))
- 0xF8FAEC: FFFFFFFF (4294967295i | 4294967295u)
- 0xF8FAF0: 0C397200 (-> 0x774BCA88 -> 0x77345B70 -> mishpro.comments_in_pause_menu.dll+0x5B70 (<0x5b70>+0x0))
- 0xF8FAF4: 0C3971E0 (&"")
- 0xF8FAF8: 0C1B9A7C (-> 0xC0149E8 -> &"C:\windows\system32\nsi.dll")
- 0xF8FAFC: 00F8FB40 (-> 0xF8FB7C -> 0xF8FC40 -> 0xF8FC50 -> 0xF8FCA8 -> 0xF8FDA0 -> 0xF8FF04 -> 0xF8FF50 -> 0xF8FF68 -> 0xF8FF80 -> 0xF8FFEC -> &"")
- 0xF8FB00: 77345BFD (mishpro.comments_in_pause_menu.dll+0x5BFD (<0x5b70>+0x8d))
- 0xF8FB04: 00000000 (0i | 0u)
- 0xF8FB08: 0C1B9A7C (-> 0xC0149E8 -> &"C:\windows\system32\nsi.dll")
- 0xF8FB0C: 79532E6F (Geode.dll+0x92E6F (geode::Loader::Impl::executeMainThreadQueue+0x10f))
- 0xF8FB10: 0C3971E0 (&"")
- 0xF8FB14: 0C3971E4 (-> 0x756DD1E0 -> geode.custom-keybinds.dll+0x2D1E0 (keybinds::BindManager::onDispatch+0x0))
- 0xF8FB18: 0C3971E4 (-> 0x756DD1E0 -> geode.custom-keybinds.dll+0x2D1E0 (keybinds::BindManager::onDispatch+0x0))
- 0xF8FB1C: 0C3971E0 (&"")
- 0xF8FB20: 0C3971E4 (-> 0x756DD1E0 -> geode.custom-keybinds.dll+0x2D1E0 (keybinds::BindManager::onDispatch+0x0))
- 0xF8FB24: 00F8FB10 (-> 0xC3971E0 -> &"")
- 0xF8FB28: 00F8FEE8 (-> 0xF8FF40 -> 0xF8FF94 -> 0xFFFFFFFF)
- 0xF8FB2C: 79534F90 (Geode.dll+0x94F90)
- 0xF8FB30: 00000001 (1i | 1u)
- 0xF8FB34: 0144C870 (-> 0x7B0C61B0 -> 0x7B03BBC0 -> libcocos2d.dll+0xABBC0 (tinyxml2::XMLDocument::ShallowClone+0x0))
- 0xF8FB38: 0146EBC8 (-> 0x7B0C5FF8 -> 0x7B03BBC0 -> libcocos2d.dll+0xABBC0 (tinyxml2::XMLDocument::ShallowClone+0x0))
- 0xF8FB3C: 00000050 (80i | 80u)
- 0xF8FB40: 00F8FB7C (-> 0xF8FC40 -> 0xF8FC50 -> 0xF8FCA8 -> 0xF8FDA0 -> 0xF8FF04 -> 0xF8FF50 -> 0xF8FF68 -> 0xF8FF80 -> 0xF8FFEC -> &"")
- 0xF8FB44: 794EF932 (Geode.dll+0x4F932 (geode::modifier::AsStaticFunction_update<FunctionQueue,void (FunctionQueue::*)(float) __attribute__((thiscall))>::Impl<void (FunctionQueue::*)(float) __attribute__((thiscall))>::function+0x12))
- 0xF8FB48: 794EF920 (Geode.dll+0x4F920 (geode::modifier::AsStaticFunction_update<FunctionQueue,void (FunctionQueue::*)(float) __attribute__((thiscall))>::Impl<void (FunctionQueue::*)(float) __attribute__((thiscall))>::function+0x0))
ghost commented 7 months ago

one not I forgot to add you can do this to make it more consistent have, the custom keybinds mod on, rebind the exit level key to nothing, and then rebind exit pause to the escape, then go to a level press escape twice then press it again then press spacebar to exit the level and it should crash. (note I forgot if you need press escape one more time after exiting the level or not)

mishpro-programm commented 7 months ago

Try to reproduce crash using debug version of mod and upload crash log here mishpro.comments_in_pause_menu.geode (16).zip

ghost commented 7 months ago

outputs the same crash log, but I did this to recreate the bug and it works everytime (the level doesn't matter)


mishpro-programm commented 7 months ago

what does the disassembly window do? does it show the function that failed? if yes then it would help me

ghost commented 7 months ago

due to the error being related to accessing memory it's not allowed to it seems like this error might only be for proton and the better crash logs mod appears to not be working correctly on proton due to it not showing the function but only the instructions

mishpro-programm commented 4 months ago

Sorry, i think i can't fix this problem because of my skill