mishunov / webcouturier.dropdownmenu

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How do I activate it? #7

Open nicolanicola opened 13 years ago

nicolanicola commented 13 years ago

I have added it to my buildout. I then went to plone_control_panel and installed it. Then I went to quick installer and installed it there.

What do I do next for it to start showing the sub menu as a drop down rather than a left hand column?

nicolanicola commented 13 years ago

On inspecting the DOM, it seems the css file is being applied, but that it is trying to style a class of submenu, well there isn't any class called that. My sub nav does not have a class of submenu but has a class of navTree and navTreeLevel0

mishunov commented 13 years ago

The package is not intended to replace the left-hand navigation. It's for making the dropdowns from the global navigation, that is the navigation bar below the logo. Do you see the dropdowns from the global navigation?

nicolanicola commented 13 years ago

No it's not. I thought that if the global navigation had a sub folder or pages then that is what would be displayed on hover over the global navigation, i.e. what currently shows up as the side navigation.

nicolanicola commented 13 years ago

Any advice?

mishunov commented 13 years ago

Again, this package has nothing to do with the navigation portlet. It uses settings for the search — it shows the items that are allowed in search. Make sure the items you expect in the dropdowns are published and are allowed in the search results.

mishunov commented 13 years ago

Can i get more information on what version of the package you are using, your browser and OS? I am working on the new release of the package and will make sure to explicitly check on a configuration similar to yours.

spanish commented 12 years ago


This doesn't work for me:

Server: Plone 4.0.5 Quinta Group Skin Chameleon 2.0 webcouturier.dropdownmenu 2.2

Laptop: Ubuntu 10.04 LTS Firefox 3.6.23

Any idea?

