miskatonicstudio / goat

Godot Open Adventure Template (GOAT) is a tool for making 3D adventure games.
MIT License
372 stars 32 forks source link

Loading GOAT project in Godot 4.3 causes it to crash #332

Open shazzner opened 3 weeks ago

shazzner commented 3 weeks ago
Godot Engine v4.3.stable.official.77dcf97d8 - https://godotengine.org
Vulkan 1.3.274 - Forward+ - Using Device #0: AMD - AMD Radeon RX Vega (RADV VEGA10)

Added GOAT action: goat_toggle_inventory
Added GOAT action: goat_crouch
Added GOAT action: goat_screenshot
Added GOAT action: goat_dismiss
Added GOAT action: goat_move_player_forward
Added GOAT action: goat_move_player_backward
Added GOAT action: goat_move_player_left
Added GOAT action: goat_move_player_right
Added GOAT action: goat_interact
Added GOAT action: goat_interact_alternatively
Added GOAT action: goat_rotate_inventory
Added GOAT audio bus: GoatEffects, index: 1
Added GOAT audio bus: GoatMusic, index: 2
SCRIPT ERROR: Parse Error: The function signature doesn't match the parent. Parent signature is "insert_text(String, int, int, bool = <default>, bool = <default>) -> void".
          at: GDScript::reload (res://addons/goat/addons/dialogue_manager/components/code_edit.gd:277)
ERROR: Failed to load script "res://addons/goat/addons/dialogue_manager/components/code_edit.gd" with error "Parse error".
   at: load (modules/gdscript/gdscript.cpp:2936)
SCRIPT ERROR: Invalid assignment of property or key 'theme_overrides' with value of type 'Dictionary' on a base object of type 'CodeEdit (code_edit.gd)'.
          at: apply_theme (res://addons/goat/addons/dialogue_manager/views/main_view.gd:356)
SCRIPT ERROR: Invalid assignment of property or key 'main_view' with value of type 'Control (main_view.gd)' on a base object of type 'CodeEdit (code_edit.gd)'.
          at: _ready (res://addons/goat/addons/dialogue_manager/views/main_view.gd:151)
Additional plugins loaded
SCRIPT ERROR: Invalid call. Nonexistent function 'get_cursor' in base 'CodeEdit (code_edit.gd)'.
          at: _on_code_edit_caret_changed (res://addons/goat/addons/dialogue_manager/views/main_view.gd:960)
ERROR: Couldn't open MTL file 'res://demo/meshes/Battery.mtl', it may not exist or not be readable.
   at: _parse_material_library (editor/import/3d/resource_importer_obj.cpp:48)
ERROR: Couldn't open MTL file 'res://demo/meshes/CeilingFanBase.mtl', it may not exist or not be readable.
   at: _parse_material_library (editor/import/3d/resource_importer_obj.cpp:48)
ERROR: Couldn't open MTL file 'res://demo/meshes/CeilingFanBlades.mtl', it may not exist or not be readable.
   at: _parse_material_library (editor/import/3d/resource_importer_obj.cpp:48)
ERROR: Couldn't open MTL file 'res://demo/meshes/cup.mtl', it may not exist or not be readable.
   at: _parse_material_library (editor/import/3d/resource_importer_obj.cpp:48)
ERROR: Couldn't open MTL file 'res://demo/meshes/DeskFull.mtl', it may not exist or not be readable.
   at: _parse_material_library (editor/import/3d/resource_importer_obj.cpp:48)
ERROR: Couldn't open MTL file 'res://demo/meshes/Generator.mtl', it may not exist or not be readable.
   at: _parse_material_library (editor/import/3d/resource_importer_obj.cpp:48)
ERROR: Couldn't open MTL file 'res://demo/meshes/Pizza.mtl', it may not exist or not be readable.
   at: _parse_material_library (editor/import/3d/resource_importer_obj.cpp:48)
ERROR: Couldn't open MTL file 'res://demo/meshes/Plate.mtl', it may not exist or not be readable.
   at: _parse_material_library (editor/import/3d/resource_importer_obj.cpp:48)
ERROR: Couldn't open MTL file 'res://demo/meshes/PortalBase.mtl', it may not exist or not be readable.
   at: _parse_material_library (editor/import/3d/resource_importer_obj.cpp:48)
ERROR: Couldn't open MTL file 'res://demo/meshes/WorkshopFull.mtl', it may not exist or not be readable.
   at: _parse_material_library (editor/import/3d/resource_importer_obj.cpp:48)
ERROR: UVs are required to generate tangents.
   at: generate_tangents (scene/resources/surface_tool.cpp:1161)
ERROR: FATAL: Index p_index = 2 is out of bounds (size() = 0).
   at: get (./core/templates/cowdata.h:205)

handle_crash: Program crashed with signal 4
Engine version: Godot Engine v4.3.stable.official (77dcf97d82cbfe4e4615475fa52ca03da645dbd8)
Dumping the backtrace. Please include this when reporting the bug to the project developer.
[1] /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6(+0x42520) [0x76a8a3242520] (??:0)
[2] ./Godot_v4.3-stable_linux.x86_64() [0x45c1bf6] (??:0)
[3] ./Godot_v4.3-stable_linux.x86_64() [0x17b1c26] (??:0)
[4] ./Godot_v4.3-stable_linux.x86_64() [0x1317824] (??:0)
[5] ./Godot_v4.3-stable_linux.x86_64() [0x131bd63] (??:0)
[6] ./Godot_v4.3-stable_linux.x86_64() [0x131f1fc] (??:0)
[7] ./Godot_v4.3-stable_linux.x86_64() [0x1320433] (??:0)
[8] ./Godot_v4.3-stable_linux.x86_64() [0x42a7698] (??:0)
[9] ./Godot_v4.3-stable_linux.x86_64() [0x235d96c] (??:0)
[10] ./Godot_v4.3-stable_linux.x86_64() [0x23b5e63] (??:0)
[11] ./Godot_v4.3-stable_linux.x86_64() [0x23b6459] (??:0)
[12] ./Godot_v4.3-stable_linux.x86_64() [0x527ab4] (??:0)
[13] ./Godot_v4.3-stable_linux.x86_64() [0x4202a2] (??:0)
[14] /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6(+0x29d90) [0x76a8a3229d90] (??:0)
[15] /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6(__libc_start_main+0x80) [0x76a8a3229e40] (??:0)
[16] ./Godot_v4.3-stable_linux.x86_64() [0x43d44a] (??:0)
Aborted (core dumped)
shazzner commented 3 weeks ago

Since this is likely an issue with Godot: https://github.com/godotengine/godot/issues/95992

miskatonicstudio commented 2 weeks ago

Hi and thanks for reporting this! At the moment, GOAT works with Godot 4.1, and (with some minor changes in imported files) I managed to use it with Godot 4.2. It would be great for the framework to support the latest engine version, so I'll check if there is a way to fix this issue :+1: