miskatonicstudio / hexa-go

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Improvement suggestions #1

Open miskatonicstudio opened 1 year ago

miskatonicstudio commented 1 year ago

Here is a list of some improvement ideas for this game. When there is time, it should be validated and corresponding tickets should be created.

josepmy commented 3 months ago

Hi, a migrate it to Godot 4.2.2 and seems is working but I have an error that I don't know how fix due the Tween nodes doesn't exist in Godot 4.

When you instance a new token:

var new_token = load("res://scenes/Token.tscn").instantiate()

Show in the debuger this error:

`E 0:00:05:0444 Cell.gd:56 @ _on_HexArea_clicked(): Tween can't be created directly. Use create_tween() method. <C++ Error> Method/function failed. <C++ Source> scene/animation/tween.cpp:499 @ Tween()

Cell.gd:56 @ _on_HexArea_clicked() HexArea.gd:11 @ _on_HexArea_input_event()` Any workaround? The game run but each time appear this error.