mislav / hanna

More than just a new RDoc template
MIT License
234 stars 40 forks source link

Maintenance #27

Closed leejarvis closed 12 years ago

leejarvis commented 13 years ago

Hanna hasn't seen any action for 6 months now. It's still a favoured RDoc template for many people, which is why its forks have seen much more action. As a result of this it appears Erik Hollensbe has released the hanna-nouveau gem, in an attempt to provide the original features and niceties of this great template, a fork whos latest version is fully compatible with the latest RDoc release. Is there any reason why these changes cannot be merged and Erik could continue to maintain the official Hanna source code? It would be a shame to see this gem die when there are people interested in maintaining it.

Quintus commented 13 years ago

The hanna-nouveau gem is really great, it even works with RDoc 3.4! Thanks for pointing this out, I frightened for hanna to just disappear... The sources for the hanna-nouveau gem seem to have been removed from GitHub, although the gem is still in the RubyGems Index. What happened to them?

Vale, Marvin

raggi commented 12 years ago

@quintus they're here: https://github.com/rdoc/hanna-nouveau

Quintus commented 12 years ago

I already knew this, nevertheless thank you.