misogi / vscode-ruby-rubocop

Rubocop extension for Visual Studio Code
MIT License
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Gem.gunzip is deprecated; use Gem::Util.gunzip instead. #77

Open xaun opened 6 years ago

xaun commented 6 years ago

Getting the below error on launch VS Code.

screen shot 2018-05-25 at 13 51 50

This seems to prevent the linting from working. I am using this with vs-coderuby as recommended. My gems are installed via RVM.

xaun commented 6 years ago

Ok so it turns out I just had to add this to my settings to get this linting working:

"ruby.lint": {
  "rubocop": true

Another case of not reading the instructions properly xD ...

But the warning still pops up every time the linter runs which is pretty annoying.

Kerwood commented 6 years ago

Me to..

FelipeCS95 commented 6 years ago

I solved editing the "index.rb" in


Replacing "Gem.gunzip" with "Gem::Util.gunzip"

Hope works for everyone.

rgaufman commented 5 years ago

Thank you!

scottbarrow commented 5 years ago

this still seems to be occurring recently, any update on a perm fix?

mizziness commented 5 years ago

this still seems to be occurring recently, any update on a perm fix?

Just in case anyone else derps their way here, there seems to be a fix. First, I checked to make sure the gem in question was actually there because this isn't a project I have a lot of historical knowledge of and noticed that it was, but it was old (1.4.0). A newer version is out, and upgrading to it has since fixed those annoying warnings.

> bundle show unicode-display_width
> bundle update unicode-display_width --conservative

(--conservative is optional, I'm just paranoid.)