misohena / el-easydraw

Embedded drawing tool for Emacs
GNU General Public License v3.0
719 stars 21 forks source link

Publish to (Non-GNU) ELPA? #14

Open dalanicolai opened 1 year ago

dalanicolai commented 1 year ago

Thanks for this package, it looks really great!

I am the creator of sketch-mode, but I think your package looks much more useful, and, actually, quite impressive.

I saw https://github.com/misohena/el-easydraw/issues/2, and your experiences with MELPA. However, I would guess that the Emacs maintainers themselves would be quite enthusiastic about this package. So I would expect that they would be very happy to try/assist getting this package to ELPA, or (NonGNU ELPA, if you are not willing/able to sign the copyright assignment papers). In my experience, they are very helpful, and quite flexible in accepting packages. Also, if you explain that you don't understand English very well, then probably they will fully understand the difficulties. You can just keep developing the package on github.

Personally, I think it would be great to have this in some official repository because it would be much easier to find (and install). Also, there might be more users who find this package, and maybe there will be users who understand English and Japanese who are willing to contribute to the package, like writing documentation etc.

I would just suggest you to send a message to the Emacs mailing list emacs-devel@gnu.org, and explain that your English is not so good and put add a link to your package, and just see the reactions. It might even be that someone understands Japanese there.

Anyway, I think it would be a great gift to Emacs and its users. But otherwise, anyway, once again, thanks for this great package!

misohena commented 1 year ago















(Google Translate) Hello.

Nice to see someone doing SVG programming with Emacs. This is a really fun feature.

This project is the product of my intrinsic motivation. I write code to please myself, so I don't want to do things I don't want to do.

I want development, not distribution.

Increasing the number of users is not always a good thing for me.

Communicating with others is harder for me than writing code. Computers have fixed specifications, but humans don't (laughs). It is even more difficult when it comes to English. To write this sentence, I wrote the original sentence in Japanese, google translated it, reverse-translated it, and modified the original Japanese to remove the obvious oddities. For difficult or sensitive questions, it takes time to even start writing.

In Emacs, for some reason, the same person often does development and registration to the package system, but I think it's better to separate them so that the burden can be distributed.

Distribution is best done by those who want it.

The project is already quite usable, and some people may find it useful to have it registered in the package system.

I'm not very interested in copyrighting any Emacs-related projects I've made. Because I'm allowed to use a wonderful thing called Emacs for free.

I've already done about 80% of what I want to do in this project, so at worst I don't mind if I leave it to someone else. (Of course, we never run out of things to improve.)

I think that Emacs in the 21st century should have at least this level of drawing function.

This is not the first time I've had an issue like this, and I honestly don't know what to do.

Anyway, thank you for your feedback.

dalanicolai commented 1 year ago

Thank you for your elaborate answer. I fully understand your priority is in development, which is perfectly fine of course. It is great and promising to hear about your plans, and about how you think about copyright.

Indeed, in Emacs, it is often the developer that does the registration, which I think most developers see just as part of developing a package (also of course they are the ones who decide about the copyright). But, the only requirement for adding a package, is to include maintainer info in the package, which does not have to be the author of the package at all (it is a quite natural requirement, as the Emacs maintainers can not be responsible for also maintaining 1000's of contributed packages). I think the main responsibility for the maintainer, is to serve as a 'spokesman' for the package, and it is only a welcome 'luxury' if he is also able to maintain/develop/fix/extend the package.

So, I think for distributing your package, you only have to find a maintainer. As soon as you think the package is ready for publishing (which I think it already is), then you can maybe post it, e.g. on Reddit, and include in the post that you are looking for a maintainer. I would also be very happy to do that for you. If no potential maintainer responds, then I am also happy to become the maintainer, i.e. 'spokesman' (I just prefer it to be someone else, as I am really busy enough already, but otherwise it would be no problem for me).

I am sure that the community would be quite excited about your package (b.t.w. it has already been mentioned in the Emacs devel archives, see here).

So, when you think the package is ready for packaging, please create the post on Reddit, or let me know to do it for you; I would be happy to do it. Also, I would be happy to help/take care of the subsequent steps to distribution.

Again, thanks a lot!

dleslie commented 5 months ago

I'm definitely keeping an eye on this one. Amazing work.

bracketracket commented 3 months ago

これは今までで一番クールだよ! 私のPCでこれを試すのが待ちきれません。 本当にお疲れ様でした。

This is the coolest thing ever! Cannot wait to try this out on my pc. Thank you so much for your hard work.

FredrikMeyer commented 3 months ago

ちなみに、「use-package」を使用すると、Github から非常に簡単にインストールできます。

Btw, using use-package one can very easily install from Github:

(use-package edraw-org
  :ensure t
  :after org
  :vc (:url "https://github.com/misohena/el-easydraw"
            :branch master)

クールな Emacs パッケージ!

Cool package!