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Melt rate vs u* and melt rate vs thermal driving #15

Open claireyung opened 2 months ago

claireyung commented 2 months ago

Related to https://github.com/misomip/isomip-plus/issues/9

Scatter plots of these values could inform us which of the terms within the melt parameterisation are most important

claireyung commented 2 months ago

@dgwyther and Qin:

At the second hackathon we also revisited the idea of scatter plots of m/gamma_t vs uT and m/gamma_s vs uS . We decided these would be useful as a guide to the nonlinearity in the melt rate e.g. time averaging eddies and a verification tool. Would you be able to do these as well?

dgwyther commented 2 months ago

@claireyung what do you mean by uT and uS? Is this top layer velocity x temperature/salinity? Or maybe u* x temp or salinity?

xylar commented 2 months ago

@dgwyther, this was at least partly Ben's suggestion. I think it was u x T and u x S (friction velocity times either thermal or haline driving). A plot of m/Gamma_T vs. u x T would be expected to be a straight line for each model (see equation (24) in Asay-Davis et al., 2016). u x S is more complicated, see equation (26), because that is proportional to m * S_zd and S_zd isn't available in our output.


dgwyther commented 1 month ago

@xylar @claireyung Are the model GammaT settings stored in a netcdf file, or do they exist only in the PDF description for each model? edit: don't worry, I've just added them as a dictionary

xylar commented 1 month ago

I believe they are only in the pdf. They are also in @claireyung's table on Overleaf.

dgwyther commented 1 month ago

Just a note that there is a sizeable difference in the computed mean metrics, depending on the order in which masking and averaging is done:

melt = (data.meltRate*365*24*60*60).isel(nTime=slice(-13, None)).mean('nTime')
melt_av1= (melt.where(melt<1e36)).mean(dim='nx').mean(dim='ny')

produces a different value to:

melt = (data.meltRate*365*24*60*60)
melt_av = (melt.where(melt<1e36)).isel(nTime=slice(-13, None)).mean('nTime').mean(['nx','ny'])

I would have naievely thought they would produce the same fields, but they don't (at least in my testing). I would have thought that the order of the masking shouldn't matter, as in both cases (masking before or after the time mean), the masking will remove the bad cells. But possibly it's also behaviour of xr.where which I'm not clear about.

The order should probably be standardised for other plots.

QinZhouLi commented 1 month ago

I have pushed the changes under fork and branch: https://github.com/QinZhouLi/isomip-plus/blob/melt_vs_drivers/notebooks/melt_vs_drivers/melt_vs_drivers.ipynb.

Below are the figures of melt vs T and u_ for Ocean1_com: image

and Ocean2_com: image

Below are the figures of scaled melt (by constants and Gamma T) vs T times u_ for Ocean1_com


and Ocean2_com image

According to the equation 24, the dots should align with the black dashed line (slope = 1). Surprisingly, most of the models are not.

xylar commented 1 month ago

@dgwyther, I think only the second one (taking the mean simultaneously in x and y) is correct and that is what we should use everywhere. If you take the mean first in x and then in y, the mean in y incorrectly assumes that each y value should get equal weight in the mean (unless there are no valid values at a given y value). Instead, each y value should have been given a different weight depending on how many valid values in x there were. So it makes sense to me that they given different results.

There's a simple test:

#!/usr/bin/env python
import numpy as np
import xarray as xr

ds = xr.Dataset()
ds['x'] = ('x', np.linspace(-2., 2., 101))
ds['y'] = ('y', np.linspace(-2., 2., 101))
ds['r'] = np.sqrt(ds.x**2 + ds.y**2)
ds['mask'] = ds.r < 1

ds['field'] = (1.0 - ds.r**2).where(ds.mask)

print(ds.field.mean(['x', 'y']).values)

The result is:

dgwyther commented 1 month ago

Ah hah! Yes that makes much more sense than the ordering of the masking. Thanks for figuring that out!

xylar commented 1 month ago

@QinZhouLi, that's interesting and troubling! We should try to figure out why most models aren't lining up right! Could you tell us which are lining up and which aren't? Among those lining up, I see:

QinZhouLi commented 1 month ago

@xylar, both ROMS and FVCOM are also lining up.

xylar commented 1 month ago

Okay. My first guess would be that we have incorrect Gamma_T values for the other models, but that might be hard to prove.

claireyung commented 1 month ago

I have pushed the changes under fork and branch: https://github.com/QinZhouLi/isomip-plus/blob/melt_vs_drivers/notebooks/melt_vs_drivers/melt_vs_drivers.ipynb.

Thanks @dgwyther and @QinZhouLi ! Would you be able to make a pull request to the main repository too?

The scatter plots of melt vs T and u are interesting. Looks like both are noisily correlated to melt for Ocean1, less so for Ocean2, especially u which just collapses down to the minimum value of c_d^1/2u_tide. What happens if you plot for all points (and all time?) for a more local analysis rather than the whole cavity average - is it too many dots?

Okay. My first guess would be that we have incorrect Gamma_T values for the other models, but that might be hard to prove.

I compared the values you used, to what I have in the overleaf for COM experiments. I found these discrepancies:

'MITgcm BAS':1.9e-2,
'MITgcm BAS CoupledV3':2.1e-2, 
'MITgcm JPL':3.25e-2,
'MOM6':4.5e-2, *-> should be 1.4e-1, but this is also the MOM6 COM experiment due to missing data so can ignore
'MOM6 SIGMA ZSTAR':8.7e-2 *-> I think this should be 4.5e-2 but need to check versions with Gustavo, 
'MPAS-Ocean':1.46e-2, *-> should be 1.94e-2
'NEMO-CNRS':4e-2, *-> should be 2.6e-2
'NEMO-UKESM1is':1.4e-1, *-> should be 4.5e-2
'POP2x':1.1e-1, *-> should be 1.1e-2

This might resolve the NEMO, MPAS and MOM6 ones but leaves the two MITgcm BAS ones not lining up with the 1:1 line. It also might change POP from kind of lining up to not really lining up... would you be able to run again with the updated values, @QinZhouLi, and confirm if that fixes things?

QinZhouLi commented 1 month ago

@claireyung , after updating those GammaT values, the figure of scaled melt (by constants and Gamma T) vs T times u_ for Ocean1_com is image

and for Ocean2_com is


Now, there are only four models that don't line up: MITgcm BAS, MITgcm BAS CoupledV3, MOM6, and POP2X.

xylar commented 1 month ago

The value I have for POP2x in the PDF on my external hard drive is: Gamma_T = 0.0465085

The date at the top of my PDF is a little more recent than the one on my GoogleDrive so I think this might be correct.


@QinZhouLi, can you see if that value makes POP2x fall along the expected 1:1 line?

If so, we should replace the PDF in @claireyung's archive wh this one.

QinZhouLi commented 1 month ago

Updated figures with GammaT = 0.0465085 for POP2X for Ocean1_COM: image and Ocean2_COM: image It looks like the updated GammaT value is closer to the true value, but still not the same.

xylar commented 1 month ago

That's very odd. Thank you!

xylar commented 1 month ago

@QinZhouLi, the value in the PDF that I have on my Google Drive (rather than my external hard drive) is: Gamma_T = 0.1146 I believe that's what you tried originally and what looked good, right? Let's go back to that value.

@claireyung, I think the value of 1.1e-2 came from the TYP simulations, not the COM ones. The correct PDf is here. Could you replace the POP2x PDF with this one if they're not the same? Ocean1-4_COM_POP2x.pdf

QinZhouLi commented 1 month ago

@xylar, yes, with Gamma_T = 0.1146, POP2x looks much better, but still with some outliers, as Ocean1_COM: image and Ocean2_COM: image

xylar commented 1 month ago

@QinZhouLi, thanks! I think that's as good as we're going to get. Maybe the noise in the POP2x melt rates are associated with stronger nonlinearity or something. Not sure.

claireyung commented 1 month ago

Thanks @xylar and @QinZhouLi ! Indeed I had been accidentally reading the TYP transfer coefficient for POP2x rather than COM, so the PDFs are correct.