Android library for horizontal single row calendar. With this library, you aren't attached to library built-in UI. You can create really beautiful and customizable UI and use selection features without hands getting dirty with RecyclerView and SelectionTracker.
Since the is deprecated, is it possible to use ViewBinding with this library? And more specifically how to set the item views in the calendar? In my case I have inside the CalendarViewManager initialization:
Since the is deprecated, is it possible to use ViewBinding with this library? And more specifically how to set the item views in the calendar? In my case I have inside the CalendarViewManager initialization:
holder.itemView.tv_date_calendar_item.text = DateUtils.getDayNumber(date) holder.itemView.tv_day_calendar_item.text = DateUtils.getDay3LettersName(date)
Is it possible to be done with ViewBinding?