missdora / Interactive-3D-Graphics-by-Udacity

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Lesson 9: Shader Programming #5

Open missdora opened 9 years ago

missdora commented 9 years ago

Programmable Shaders

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missdora commented 9 years ago

Vertex and Fragment Shaders:

missdora commented 9 years ago

Shader Architecture: 着色器架构(体系?)

missdora commented 9 years ago

名词 -- Cel Shader: 是用于模拟卡通及动漫中光照的渲染技术。在传统的diffuse shading中,光照会根据物体的法线在其表面创建渐变;Cel Shading让渐变两极分化,像素只有亮或不亮,不需任何插值。

Demo: http://codepen.io/ytrusty/pen/eNXJBx

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missdora commented 9 years ago

名词 -- Fresnel Reflectance:菲涅耳衍射,指的是光波在近场区域的衍射。菲涅耳衍射积分式可以用来计算光波在近场区域的传播

wikipedia 菲涅耳衍射

wikipedia 菲涅耳方程

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As the object becomes more reflective in real life, there are less photons left to go off in other directions.

missdora commented 9 years ago




Ispec = Ks * Il * ( dot(N,H) )^Ns

其中N是入射点的单位法向量,H是光入射方向L和视点方向V的中间向量,通常也称之为半角向量(半角向量被广泛用于各类光照模型,原因不但在于半角向量蕴含的信息价值,也在于半角向量是很简单的计算:H = (L + V) / |L + V| )。 Il是点光源强度 Ks 为镜面反射系数 Ns是高光指数

missdora commented 9 years ago

from Chapter [Energy Balanced Materials]

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Blinn-Phong is not energy balanced

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DEMO: http://www.realtimerendering.com/erich/udacity/exercises/unit3_energy_solution.html

missdora commented 9 years ago

from Chapter [Physically Based Materials] 名词 -- Tone Mapping: 色调映射。在有限動態範圍媒介上近似顯示高動態範圍圖像的一項計算機圖形學技術。列印設備、CRT 或者 LCD 顯示器以及投影機等都只有有限的動態範圍。本質上來講,色調映射要解決的問題是進行大幅度的對比度衰減將場景亮度變換到可以顯示的範圍,同時要保持圖像細節與顏色等對於表現原始場景非常重要的明暗資訊。 HDR 有应用到这个技术

Physically Based Reflection:

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简称 PBR, 相比于朗伯反射, PBR提供了一个更加逼真的光线物体作用模型。术语physically来源于,PBR考虑了材料的物理属性, 比如能量守恒以及光的散射。

DEMO: http://blog.playcanvas.com/physically-based-rendering-comes-to-webgl/

missdora commented 9 years ago

from Chapter [BRDF]

名词 -- BRDF(The bidirectional reflectance distribution function 双向反射分布函数): screen shot 2015-08-14 at 11 49 01 screen shot 2015-08-14 at 11 49 35


再者,BRDF常用于各种全局光照(global illumination)算法(例如path tracing),后者和光线追踪(ray tracing)算法分别是渲染算法中的两个类别。全局光照的特点在于能够捕捉间接光照(indirect illumination),即由非发光表面反射的光线进一步作用于其他表面(例如Cornell Box场景中彩色墙壁反射到白色长方体上的光线),并可以用于模拟焦散(caustic)等光线追踪算法通常很难或者无法实现的效果。这也是“全局”一词的含义——对光线在整个场景的传播都进行考虑,而不只是考虑局部(local)的传播。

实现全局光照和光线追踪都需要使用到最基本的光线投射(ray casting)算法,用来判定某条特定光线与表面的相交。

补充:还有比BRDF更加广义的BSDF(S = Scattering)——它将折射现象也纳入其中,以及进一步的BSSRDF(SS = Scattering-Surface)——它对光线在表面背后介质内部的传播也进行了考虑。


missdora commented 9 years ago

from Chapter [BSDF and BSSRDF]

BSDF: screen shot 2015-08-14 at 14 15 05

BSSRDF: screen shot 2015-08-14 at 14 15 44

参考:光照模型、阴影模型 http://content.gpwiki.org/index.php/D3DBook:Table_Of_Contents

参考:上海交通大学 6-(1)_Advanced Lighting and Shading PPT

missdora commented 9 years ago

from Chapter [Anisotropic Material]

Anisotropic(各异向性) Material VS Isotropic(等向性) Material screen shot 2015-08-14 at 14 03 39

missdora commented 9 years ago

Monitor Response and Perception ??

missdora commented 9 years ago

from Chapter [Gamma Correction]

Gamma 校正 screen shot 2015-08-14 at 15 41 19


参考: https://www.evernote.com/shard/s75/sh/2ac839f1-d89f-42ad-a5bf-237467d523ae/efe0bd3451f5cf17e31e50f1ae226acc

missdora commented 9 years ago

from Chapter [Texturing and Postprocessing]

Image and Video Post-processing: https://www.evernote.com/shard/s75/sh/2c5bc774-674b-4998-b370-fecf541641ad/1ae5e1eea0209c6facfb1ba90373c681 Demo: shader post-processing http://www.airtightinteractive.com/demos/js/shaders/preview/ 详解:http://www.airtightinteractive.com/2013/02/intro-to-pixel-shaders-in-three-js/

missdora commented 9 years ago

from Problem set [Model Deformation] and [Vertex Normal Creation]

将一个平面通过修改顶点和 shader normal 变成曲面

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/* Vertext.glsl */
varying vec3 vNormal;
varying vec3 vViewPosition;

uniform float uSphereRadius2;   // squared

void main() {
 // make a local variable we can modify
   vec3 newPosition = position;
   // set the position to be on a sphere centered at the origin
   newPosition.z = sqrt(uSphereRadius2 -
          newPosition.x * newPosition.x - newPosition.y * newPosition.y);
   // set the normal to be identical (results from it will be normalized later)
   vec3 newNormal = newPosition;
   // Offset the surface so the center stays in view; do after the normal is set.
   newPosition.z -= sqrt(uSphereRadius2);
   gl_Position = projectionMatrix * modelViewMatrix * vec4( newPosition, 1.0 );
   vNormal = normalize( normalMatrix * newNormal );
   vec4 mvPosition = modelViewMatrix * vec4( newPosition, 1.0 );
   vViewPosition = -mvPosition.xyz;
