Created a rectangular target with one point and fed it to the RenderSymbol function and received the following error:
{"type":"error","error":"There was an error creating the MilStdSymbol GFFPACSR------X: - symbolID: "GFFPACSR------X" requires a minimum of 2 points. 1 are present. - "}
Created a rectangular target with one point and fed it to the RenderSymbol function and received the following error:
SymbolCode: GFFPACSR------X position: "-96,35" bbox: "-152.42640687119285,-12.426406871192853,-67.57359312880715,72.42640687119284" modifiers: { ALTMODE: "" AM: [5000,1000] AN: [45] SYMSTD: 1 distance:[5000] }