missioncommand / mil-sym-js

(RETIRED) MIL-STD-2525 symbol rendering JavaScript library for modern web applications
Apache License 2.0
76 stars 25 forks source link

The read me would be better if it included some of the images in it. #22

Open BenNewsome opened 7 years ago

BenNewsome commented 7 years ago

It would be great if you could showcase an example of some of the symbols. Or a link to somewhere that does.

michael-spinelli commented 7 years ago

in the mean time: http://missioncommand.github.io/mil-sym-js/ http://missioncommand.github.io/mil-sym-js/samples/singlePointTester.html http://missioncommand.github.io/mil-sym-js/samples/multiPointTester.html http://missioncommand.github.io/mil-sym-js/samples/multiPointTesterWebWorker.html