missioncommand / mil-sym-js

(RETIRED) MIL-STD-2525 symbol rendering JavaScript library for modern web applications
Apache License 2.0
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Mine type in minefield multipoint symbol #53

Open johannaljunggren opened 2 years ago

johannaljunggren commented 2 years ago


I'm trying to create minefield dynamic depiction (G*MPOFD---****X) multipoint symbol. In the MIL-STD-2525C standard it says that this graphic should be filled with the type of mine that the minefield contains. I can successfully render the minefield graphic, but without mine symbols inside it. I haven't found any modifiers that seem related to this. Does this library support this?

Here is an example of how I'm creating the minefield:

const areaAsString = '13.400307209607252,52.51234568559212 13.403020920672153,52.51246979647197 13.404179342786787,52.51054277223038 13.40009268699342,52.510013642313595';
const bbox = '13.395040679437843,52.5086313417635,13.412056613428323,52.51496500400521';

const modifiers = {};
modifiers[ModifiersTG.H_ADDITIONAL_INFO_1] = 'MinefieldName';

const formatGeoCanvas = 3;

/* RenderSymbol2D("ID","Name","Description", symbolCode3, controlPoints3, pixelWidth, pixelHeight, bbox3, modifiers,format) */
   const canvasSymbol = Renderer.RenderSymbol2D('mineFieldId', 'minefieldName', 'minefieldDesc', 'GFMPOFD-------X', areaAsString, pixelWidth, pixelHeight, bbox3, modifiers, formatGeoCanvas);
michael-spinelli commented 2 years ago

So we have a document called the "Unified Specification for ABCS Symbology (USAS)" that further clarifies how the symbols should be rendered. It states that the inner graphics should be sent separately. I believe this behavior changes in 2525D and it's part of the same symbol.
