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Training Meetups - JavaScript #31

Open ktabarez opened 8 years ago

ktabarez commented 8 years ago

I sent out the meeting minutes, can one of you 3 please beautify this issue. Thankya

abt-mfcu commented 8 years ago

I got this.

ktabarez commented 8 years ago

Meeting Minutes for 8/15/16



Meeting Lead


Follow-up Action Items

Completed Work

Decisions Made

For tomorrow’s meeting


    var person = {
                firstName: "Mickey"
                lastName: "Mouse",
                getAge: function(){
                                return 55;

Key terms learned:

ktabarez commented 8 years ago

Meeting Minutes for 8/16/16



Meeting Lead


Follow-up Action Items

Completed Work

Decisions Made


function func1(){
//some code logic

  function func2(){
     var num = 1

/*num is out of scope so num is now undefined because it’s
 being used outside of the func it was declared in func2*/
ktabarez commented 8 years ago

Training Meetups: JavaScript Meeting Minutes 8/17/16

Project Pluralsight Training – Javascript https://app.pluralsight.com/paths/skills/javascript

Attendees • Adam • Dell • John • Kain • Lan • Leslie • Rey

Meeting Lead Kain

Obstacles • None

Follow-up Action Items • Complete the following exercise. Expand on yesterday’s exercise and … o Convert the following properties into objects created via Object Constructor. Each of these properties should expose a public init function.  HeaderSection • should contain the following properties o appName o user – an object literal with the following properties  username  email  company role  BodySection • should contain the following properties o pageName – a string  SidebarSection • Should contain the following properties o MenuItems – an array of object literals with 3 object literals. Each object literal should contain the following properties  Object 1 • name – string with value of Home • link – string with value of ‘/’  Object 2 • name – string with value of Reports • link – string with value of ‘/reports’  Object 3 • name – string with value of Settings • link – string with value of ‘/settings’  FooterSection • A companyContactInfo object literal with the following properties o Phone o Fax o Address o email

Completed Work • Topics covered under the intermediate section – Module 1: Javascript Objects and Prototypes o All topics in section 1 of the table of contents o All topics in section 2 of the table of contents

Decissions Made o N/A Summary • Will send a recap in the morning didn’t have enough time to complete this section • Plunker link: http://plnkr.co/edit/j4Fzv5ELxL5zH1kKVi5f?p=preview

ktabarez commented 8 years ago

Training Meetups: JavaScript Meeting Minutes 8/18/16

Project Pluralsight Training – Javascript https://app.pluralsight.com/paths/skills/javascript

Attendees • Aaron • Adam • Dell • John • Kain • Lan • Rey

Meeting Lead Kain

Obstacles • None

Follow-up Action Items • No homework 

Completed Work • Topics covered under the intermediate section – Module 1: Javascript Objects and Prototypes o All topics in section 3: JavaScript Prototypes and Inheritance

Decissions Made • Watch section 3 again or move on to Module 2: JavaScript design patterns.

Summary • Prototype and the prototype property • Instance vs Prototype properties • Multiple levels of inheritance • Prototypal inheritance chains • Creating prototypes with classes

ktabarez commented 8 years ago

Training Meetups: JavaScript Meeting Minutes 8/22/16

Project Pluralsight Training – Javascript https://app.pluralsight.com/paths/skills/javascript

Attendees • Adam • John • Kain • Lan • Leslie • Rey

Meeting Lead Kain

Obstacles • None

Follow-up Action Items • Build on the current exercise o Instead of using this and the dot operator to access member properties and functions use ‘that’. o Update the init function  Should accept a call back function that’s called callbackFunc  callbackFunc should be called right before init ends. Completed Work • Topics covered under the intermediate section – Module 2: JavaScript Design Patterns o Common object patterns  Intro https://app.pluralsight.com/player?course=javascript-design-patterns&author=aaron-powell&name=javascript-design-patterns-m0-common&clip=0  Function argument patterns https://app.pluralsight.com/player?course=javascript-design-patterns&author=aaron-powell&name=javascript-design-patterns-m0-common&clip=1  Chaining https://app.pluralsight.com/player?course=javascript-design-patterns&author=aaron-powell&name=javascript-design-patterns-m0-common&clip=2

Decissions Made • N/A

Key Terms • Call back functions • this vs that • Chaining • The arguments function property

Summary • ‘this’ can change depending on where you are at in the code • Object chaining allows for a fluid way of invoking functions on an object • To enable object chaining you need to return a reference to the current object • It’s best practice to assign this to that and return that when creating an object that uses object chaining • A function who accepts a parameter as a function reads as “accepts a call back function”. The function can then invoke the call back function and pass arguments to it.

ktabarez commented 8 years ago

Training Meetups: JavaScript Meeting Minutes 8/23/16

Project Pluralsight Training – Javascript https://app.pluralsight.com/paths/skills/javascript

Attendees • Aaron • Adam • John • Kain • Lan • Leslie • Rey

Meeting Lead Kain

Obstacles • None

Follow-up Action Items • Build on the current exercise  To the app object • Add a private member array property called onLiveUserCountChangedCallbacks which will keep track of the callbacks to be executed when the liveUserCount property changes • Add a public member function called onLiveUserCountChanged that accepts a callback and pushes the callback to the onLiveUserCountChangedCallbacks array. • Add a liveUserCount public property and make it observable. When the liveUserCount changes, execute all the callbacks in onLiveUserCountChangedCallbacks.  Completed Work • Topics covered under the intermediate section – Module 2: JavaScript Design Patterns o Common object patterns  Observable Properties https://app.pluralsight.com/player?course=javascript-design-patterns&author=aaron-powell&name=javascript-design-patterns-m0-common&clip=3 Decissions Made • N/A

Key Terms • More callback functions • Observable property • Observable Pattern

Summary • We went over the observable pattern and the JavaScript syntax.

ktabarez commented 8 years ago

Training Meetups: JavaScript Meeting Minutes 8/24/16 - 8/26/16

Project Pluralsight Training – Javascript https://app.pluralsight.com/paths/skills/javascript

Attendees • Aaron • Adam • Dell • John • Kain • Lan • Leslie • Rey

Meeting Lead Kain

Obstacles • N/A

Follow-up Action Items • Build on the current exercise o Update the app object init function to return a promise once all initialization code has been executed Completed Work • Completed the JavaScript design patterns module. Topics covered: o Timer Pattern o Asynchronous Module Definitions o Pub/Sub Design Pattern o Promises

Decissions Made • N/A

Key Terms • Pub/Sub • Deferred • Promise • Asynchronouse Execution Pattern • Recursive setTimeout Pattern

ktabarez commented 8 years ago

Training Meetups: JavaScript Meeting Minutes 8/29/16

Project Pluralsight Training – Javascript https://app.pluralsight.com/paths/skills/javascript

Attendees • Adam • John • Kain • Leslie • Rey

Meeting Lead Kain

Obstacles • N/A

Follow-up Action Items • Build on the current exercise o Add the jQuery library to your HTML page o Add an H1 to your body element o In the init function of your app class, use jQuery to set the H1 element to “Hello Word!” • Will start “Demo: CSS3 Selectors” under Finding Parts of a Page.

Completed Work • jQuery Getting started o Intro o Anatomy of a jQuery Command o Finding parts of a page, all the way up to CSS3 Selector Review.

Decisions Made • N/A

Key Terms • Anonymous function • Wrapped set • Selector • CSS3 selectors • Pseudo Selectors

Summary • Anatomy of jQuery o Anonymous function is a function that doesn’t have a name

$(function(){ //your code here });

o Find all divs on a page

$(function(){ var divs = $(‘div’); //divs now has an array of all div elements on your page });

o Selectors are used to target a certain element or a set of elements on your HTML page o Principles of CSS selectors  #some-id • The name of the id needs to be unique across your HTML page • Start with a #  .some-class • Starts with a ‘.’ • Can sprinkle them all over your HTML page.  Pseudo selectors • Target the state of an element • Examples: o div:first-child o div:hover o div:not(.some-other-class)

ktabarez commented 8 years ago

Training Meetups: JavaScript Meeting Minutes 8/30/16 - 9/2/16

Project Pluralsight Training – JavaScript https://app.pluralsight.com/paths/skills/javascript

Attendees • Aaron • Adam • John • Kain • Lan • Leslie • Rey

Meeting Lead Kain

Follow-up Action Items • Adam – Continue working on the header section • John – Start on the sidebar section • Rey – Start on Body section of our card management app

Completed Work • Will start Advanced Event Handling under the Advanced Techniques in JavaScript and jQuery - https://app.pluralsight.com/player?course=javascript-jquery-advanced-techniques&author=kevin-murray&name=javascript-jquery-advanced-techniques-m3&clip=0 • Started live team coding sessions – Applying everything we’ve learned so far and writing an app as a team. Each member has been assigned a task o Using this plunk to collaborate: https://plnkr.co/edit/UJGLEW4yHlNWidZ3yaaL