Name: AI Mode
Missing content: description of what it does
Name: This account is a cat
Missing content: description of what it does ("Adding furry ears shaped antennas on user avatar")
Admin documentation
Name: ServiceWorker
Missing content: what is needed to be put on public and private key? do I need a 3rd party service? if random should be put, at what format? etc.
Name: Pro account
Missing content: description of what it does
Also some documentation if, for example, we need to edit default.yml, what do we need to do for configuration to take effect: the whole docker-compose build or just docker-compose stop && docker-compose up -d ?
Here some missing documentation:
User interface
Name: AI Mode Missing content: description of what it does
Name: This account is a cat Missing content: description of what it does ("Adding furry ears shaped antennas on user avatar")
Admin documentation
Name: ServiceWorker Missing content: what is needed to be put on public and private key? do I need a 3rd party service? if random should be put, at what format? etc.
Name: Pro account Missing content: description of what it does
Also some documentation if, for example, we need to edit default.yml, what do we need to do for configuration to take effect: the whole docker-compose build or just docker-compose stop && docker-compose up -d ?