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Feature Request: Multi-Load - Read .idx (index file) for TAP files #13

Open Maverick-Shark opened 8 months ago

Maverick-Shark commented 8 months ago


I would like to load tap preserved files from cassettes with Turbo Load. In a .tap preserved file (from a cassette), you have all the programs saved one per one (all of them are recorded after each other).

Then, I would like to put the virtual position of each program (as the datassette counter) to run Turbo Load program at the beginning and jump to the correct position to load the program/game. I think that it would be add in the config the option to auto-pause the loaded tape when it finish, and play again when you put load or run.

Another example, 007 A View To a Kill preserved tap game (it's only one file). It has different missions and you need to reset the machine (c64) after finish each one to load the following. It would be good to move to the correct position.

We have different tools like TAP Manager (v.1.6.0 or later) or IDXGen v1.0, that you can download from http://www.manosoft.it/ that generates an index file (.idx). You can choose between to type of index files (Princess or Ultimate 64):


I think that it will be a very good feature and useful for multi load and compilation preserved tapes.

Luigi Di Fraia's wrote this:


Thanks for your big job, it's awesome!! Shark

gyurco commented 8 months ago

It would be mostly a firmware addition to parse the index and present an UI to choose the tape position...maybe it'll happen one day.

Maverick-Shark commented 8 months ago

Yes, maybe!! (I'm crossing my fingers that it will be soon). ;-P And this tap player would de implemented on the arm/mcu, of course.

Thanks, Shark

Maverick-Shark commented 3 months ago


Could you please see Gideon code?


Gideon has implemented it on his Ultimate64 cartridge.


Regards, Sahrk