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[PC XT] Writing to disk destroys filesystem on SD card #144

Closed famaniel closed 11 months ago

famaniel commented 11 months ago

I've been trying the MIST port for PC XT. following the guidelines in the PC XT Demistify Wiki. Setting up the core and the files works perfectly, and I could boot into DOS after a few attempts.

However, whenever I write a file into the HD image, or just save the settings in the OSD, the filesystem on the SD Card (16MiB SanDisk) is destroyed, and the system crashes. I tried a differend SD card with the same result.

I'm using the core on MIST 1.3 with firmware_230705. The other cores I'm using work fine. Anyone else experienced this?


gyurco commented 11 months ago

It's rather strange. I never encountered such issue (MiST destroys the filesystem on the SD card). Are you using exFAT?

famaniel commented 11 months ago

No, I formatted the SD card with mkfs.vfat /dev/sdx1 (where sdx ist the normal device Id). I tried one "Platium" card, and one from SanDisk. Both 16GiB SDHC. Maybe it has something to do with that.

gyurco commented 11 months ago

It's hard to tell. Minimig/Archie/CPC (with SymbOS) use the same IDE code, are they working properly?

famaniel commented 11 months ago

I ran a series of experiments: I have an SD card I've been using for years for the minimig. It always worked fine, and still does. I reformatted both SD-Cards, and copied the minimig installation to both of them. They did boot up, but at the first attempt of writing to the hard drive image or a virtual diskette, AmigaDOS threw an I/O error, and crashed. The problem was the same as before. This happend with both cards. So today I hit the shops, and bought a bunch of SanDisk branded 32 GiB SDHC cards. I tried them out, including all sorts of I/O operations in DOS, and they work fine. Also tried the minimig with no problems. So it appears, that the problem is in my SD-cards, and not in the code. I'm beginning to suspect the previous SanDisk-branded card is actually counterfeit. But I cannot check that, since my SD card reader doesn't allow getting the CID.

Thanks so much for your help! I'd say my problem is solved.