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feat(stories): 三題噺 '22/10/31 #126

Closed mistbind3u88 closed 6 months ago

mistbind3u88 commented 1 year ago


スクリーンショット 2022-10-31 234310

  1. 指物師
  2. お金

powered by 三題噺スイッチ改訂版



Stable Diffusion

Oil painting of a craftsman in a marshland, meticulously working on a sophisticated box made from the bones of exotic animals, with the backdrop of a dense, misty swamp. The scene captures the artisan's concentration and the rich, natural environment that provides his materials. His workshop is filled with various tools, unfinished works, and a collection of bones and leathers, showcasing his skill in transforming these raw materials into valuable items. A merchant, impressed by the craftsmanship, discusses a special commission with the craftsman, highlighting the beauty and uniqueness of his creations. The painting evokes a sense of mystery and the profound connection between the craftsman's art and the wild, untamed nature of the marshland. Unreal Engine, 4k.

Oil painting of a craftsman in a marshland, meticulously working on a sophisticated box made from the bones of exotic animals, with the backdrop of a dense, misty swamp. The scene captures the artisan's concentration and the rich, natural environment that provides his materials. His workshop is filled with various tools, unfinished works, and a collection of bones and leathers, showcasing his skill in transforming these raw materials into valuable items. A merchant, impressed by the craftsmanship, discusses a special commission with the craftsman, highlighting the beauty and uniqueness of his creations. The painting evokes a sense of mystery and the profound connection between the craftsman's art and the wild, untamed nature of the marshland. Unreal Engine, 4k.

Oil painting of a craftsman and a merchant negotiating inside a rustic wooden cabin, surrounded by various tools and artifacts of the craftsman's trade. The scene is intimate, with the craftsman showing a delicate, intricately designed box made from animal bones and exotic materials to the merchant. The merchant, intrigued and visibly impressed, examines the box closely, appreciating the craftsmanship. The cabin is dimly lit by natural light seeping through small windows, casting shadows and highlighting the textures of

Oil painting of a craftsman and a merchant negotiating inside a rustic wooden cabin, surrounded by various tools and artifacts of the craftsman's trade. The scene is intimate, with the craftsman showing a delicate, intricately designed box made from animal bones and exotic materials to the merchant. The merchant, intrigued and visibly impressed, examines the box closely, appreciating the craftsmanship. The cabin is dimly lit by natural light seeping through small windows, casting shadows and highlighting the textures of

Oil painting of a craftsman clad in leather armor, gripping a spear, as he carefully moves through the shadowy, mist-laden depths of a swamp. The scene is charged with tension, showcasing the craftsman’s silent determination. His leather armor is rugged and functional, designed to protect against the unpredictable dangers of the swamp, while allowing for stealthy movement. In his hands, the sharpened spear is not just a weapon but a tool of his trade, representing his skill and preparedness to face the swamp's deadliest inhabitant, the dragon-jawed crocodile. The environment around him is a blend of haunting beauty and lurking threat, with dense foliage, twisted trees, and the murky waters reflecting the early morning light. This painting captures the moment of anticipation, highlighting the craftsman's focused gaze as he navigates the treacherous terrain, ready to strike or defend at a moment's notice. Unreal Engine, 4k.

Oil painting of a craftsman clad in leather armor, gripping a spear, as he carefully moves through the shadowy, mist-laden depths of a swamp. The scene is charged with tension, showcasing the craftsman’s silent determination. His leather armor is rugged and functional, designed to protect against the unpredictable dangers of the swamp, while allowing for stealthy movement. In his hands, the sharpened spear is not just a weapon but a tool of his trade, representing his skill and preparedness to face the swamp's deadliest inhabitant, the dragon-jawed crocodile. The environment around him is a blend of haunting beauty and lurking threat, with dense foliage, twisted trees, and the murky waters reflecting the early morning light. This painting captures the moment of anticipation, highlighting the craftsman's focused gaze as he navigates the treacherous terrain, ready to strike or defend at a moment's notice. Unreal Engine, 4k.

Oil painting of an intricately crafted chest by a skilled artisan, made from the formidable bones and scales of a dragon-jawed crocodile. The chest is depicted as a masterpiece of artistry, standing on a rustic wooden floor, bathed in the warm, golden light of a setting sun that filters through a small window. Each detail of the chest is meticulously rendered to showcase its unique materials: the polished bones form its sturdy structure, while the scales, shimmering with an almost ethereal glow, cover its surfaces. The chest's lid is adorned with an exquisite arrangement of crocodile teeth and claws, adding a fierce elegance to its appearance. Surrounding the chest, the workshop is cluttered with tools, sketches, and other materials, hinting at the long hours of labor and dedication invested into creating this remarkable piece. This painting not only highlights the craftsman’s unparalleled skill but also evokes a sense of wonder and reverence for the natural world that provided such extraordinary materials. Unreal Engine, 4k.

Oil painting of an intricately crafted chest by a skilled artisan, made from the formidable bones and scales of a dragon-jawed crocodile. The chest is depicted as a masterpiece of artistry, standing on a rustic wooden floor, bathed in the warm, golden light of a setting sun that filters through a small window. Each detail of the chest is meticulously rendered to showcase its unique materials: the polished bones form its sturdy structure, while the scales, shimmering with an almost ethereal glow, cover its surfaces. The chest's lid is adorned with an exquisite arrangement of crocodile teeth and claws, adding a fierce elegance to its appearance. Surrounding the chest, the workshop is cluttered with tools, sketches, and other materials, hinting at the long hours of labor and dedication invested into creating this remarkable piece. This painting not only highlights the craftsman’s unparalleled skill but also evokes a sense of wonder and reverence for the natural world that provided such extraordinary materials. Unreal Engine, 4k.

Oil painting of a weary craftsman sinking into a fur-covered sofa in his rustic cabin, after completing his magnum opus. The scene captures the moment of tranquil repose, as the craftsman relaxes in the soft glow of twilight that seeps through a small window, illuminating his rugged features and the serene satisfaction etched on his face. The cabin, filled with the tools of his trade and the remnants of his recent work, speaks of a place where artistry meets the raw beauty of nature. The chest, his latest creation, sits nearby, its presence a silent testament to the craftsman's skill and perseverance. Around him, the cabin is a cozy sanctuary, with wooden beams overhead and the warm, earthy tones of the interior embracing him in comfort. This painting evokes a sense of completion and contentment, highlighting the craftsman's moment of well-deserved rest, surrounded by the fruits of his labor and the simple, yet profound, pleasures of a life dedicated to mastery and craft. Unreal Engine, 4k.

Oil painting of a weary craftsman sinking into a fur-covered sofa in his rustic cabin, after completing his magnum opus. The scene captures the moment of tranquil repose, as the craftsman relaxes in the soft glow of twilight that seeps through a small window, illuminating his rugged features and the serene satisfaction etched on his face. The cabin, filled with the tools of his trade and the remnants of his recent work, speaks of a place where artistry meets the raw beauty of nature. The chest, his latest creation, sits nearby, its presence a silent testament to the craftsman's skill and perseverance. Around him, the cabin is a cozy sanctuary, with wooden beams overhead and the warm, earthy tones of the interior embracing him in comfort. This painting evokes a sense of completion and contentment, highlighting the craftsman's moment of well-deserved rest, surrounded by the fruits of his labor and the simple, yet profound, pleasures of a life dedicated to mastery and craft. Unreal Engine, 4k.

